A National Information Literacy Framework for Scotland Christine Irving Glasgow Caledonian University Wider Community Open Meeting Wednesday 23 rd May 2007
Developing the framework Lots of thinking, agonising, reflecting Looked at other frameworks – at home and abroad Discussions with relevant bodies and individuals Not reinventing the wheel –incorporate what is being used –look for common themes from existing models and definitions
Common Themes
A National Information Literacy Framework Scotland Skills for everyone
Contents Back ground information and provenance Acknowledgements Information literacy – what it is Information literacy and lifelong learning Information literacy education Use of the Information Literacy framework The framework levels Information literacy and assessment Appendices
Examples of information literacy material Existing skills definitions, frameworks and models used to inform the development of this national framework SQA National Unit Qualification - Information Handling Skills DF9J 11 (Intermediate level 2) Mind map of models, qualification and skills definition used in draft national framework University of Abertay Dundee: Information Literacy Framework Loughborough University Library Information Literacy: IL competencies
Information Literacy Levels Schools Schools / Further Education Further / Higher Education Higher Education lifelong learning including all information- using communities e.g. community learning and in the workplace
Draft Framework
Piloting Partners from different sectors working at different levels within different subjects to provide Examples of information tasks within different sectors at different levels and with different subjects and courses: –existing learning that is taking place –new activities that have been specifically created Exemplars of how the skills, knowledge and understanding at different levels can be mapped into specific subjects or course design.
Comments / discussion points from meeting with partners and advisory group Needs to be enriched with exemplars of good practice Quite large so may need to be repurposed Link to new curriculum (Curriculum for Excellence) Link to higher level complex skills – problem solving, innovation Missing links primary -> secondary and secondary -> tertiary Involvement of others pupil support, involving teachers, lecturers in the integration of learning the development of skills throughout a University career …, indicating in some way a progression from skills developed in first year to a deeper level of understanding by the time of postgraduate study
Comments / discussion points from meeting with partners and advisory group (cont.) Advocacy issues QAA enhancement, SQA, embedding IL in teaching certificates, involve Learning and Teaching Scotland, target Learning and Teaching champions Advocacy needs to be bottom up as well as top down – all levels need to be involved Advocacy toolkit – CILIPS Information Literacy Task and Finish Group Need to create a vision as to how IL will look over the next couple of years Educational development strategies may be viewed as analogues to the framework Link to employability and transitions to work
Still a long way to go Piloting –Funding –Need for practical examples to demonstrate how each level can be used within different sectors and for different subjects –Work on the missing links between the different sectors –Workplaces, adult literacies, community learning, professional bodies, CPD Advocacy –Recognition of framework –Uptake of framework
For more information Christine Irving Project Officer (part-time) National Information Literacy Framework Learner Support Glasgow Caledonian University Room RS305, (3rd Floor) 6 Rose Street Glasgow G3 6RB Tel: project website: framework website