Miami-Dade County Public Schools
A problem-solving process employed by the School Support Team (SST) which includes the AT Contact person (ATC) A collaborative effort to determine and assess strategies/tools that are most effective to assist the student in accessing the educational program A continuous and dynamic process which changes with the needs of the student
Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. Continuum ranges from simple to complex. Least restrictive AT and simplest solution must be considered and tried before a more complex solution
Or To locate the ATIP form, FM 7067
ATIP Initial Page Includes: student demographic info required fields 1-5 info pertaining to the School Support Team (SST)
Identify student’s area(s) of need by looking at the Strategies, Tools and Trials pages.
Writing/ Composing
Communication (continued)
Strategies, Tools and Trials The SST (School Support Team) determines how strategies and tools will be implemented in alignment with the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Trials commence for at least 4 weeks As trials are conducted, documentation of the outcomes must be recorded in the far right column on the Strategies, Tools and Trials pages
IF trials at the school level are effective to meet the student's educational, access and/or communication needs, the SST : conducts an IEP meeting, documents on the IEP the AT strategies/tools that will be used by the student, what classrooms and for what purposes/goals, the process is complete.
IF the trials are not effective : Assistance may be requested from the district support staff. –The Local Assistive Technology Specialist (LATS) makes recommendations to the SST and will lend equipment, if necessary, for additional trials. –To request additional tools/equipment for trial, send the ATIP K-12 (no parent/caregiver consent needed) with documentation of strategies/tools already tried and what they wish to try to: by attachment Or: Mail Code 9953 JRE Lee Education Center Attn: Sheila Miguel –A device will be sent to the school. The SST continues trials at the school level.
IF additional trials at the school level are effective to meet the student's educational, access and/or communication needs SST conducts an IEP meeting AT strategies/tools that will be used by the student, in what classrooms and for what purposes/goals are documented The process is complete.
If the trials are STILL not effective –an IEP meeting is convened –the SST documents what has been tried –recommendation to request an assistive technology assessment from the district is documented –remainder of the ATIP K-12 (FM#7067) is completed using only task pages that relate to the student’s area of need. –Notice of Intent and Parent/Guardian Consent to Conduct a Screening/Assessment (FM-6279) is completed and signed (check ‘other’ and write in ‘Assistive Technology’). –Copy most recent IEP –Send copies (keep originals in student’s cumulative folder) to: Mail Code 9953, JRE Lee Education Center, Attn: Sheila Miguel or by attachment to –An assistive technology assessment and classroom observation will be scheduled.
Cont’d. Trials and training are provided until strategies/tools are identified that meet the student's educational, access and/or communication needs within the curriculum. An IEP meeting is conducted to incorporate technology into student’s educational goals. The process is complete. Support will continue to be provided to ensure the student’s success in the curriculum.
Ms. Sheila Miguel, M.S. Ed. Department Chairperson for Assistive Technology Mail Code 9953 or Website: