The Promotion and Tenure Process at Alabama State University
What Are the Minimum Qualifications to Apply for Promotion or Tenure? See Promotion and Tenure Checklists in Materials Packet
When Should I Apply for Promotion or Tenure? Hand deliver a formal letter stating your intent to apply to the Dean of the College of Education by: - Promotion: November 15 - Tenure: Last workday of September
When Should I Apply for Promotion or Tenure? Tenure review is MANDATORY for faculty members in their sixth probationary year.
How Do I Complete My Application? Submit to your department chair a dossier (multiple notebooks are acceptable) that includes: Completed promotion or tenure Performance Area Percentage Weights form; your Curriculum Vitae; a copy of all Annual Performance Reviews for your probationary years; supporting documentation; Letters of recommendation
How Do I Complete My Application? Although no date is set in the Faculty Handbook for you to submit these materials to the department chair, departmental recommendations are due by March 5 th, so I would advise submitting your materials at least two weeks earlier, if you do not receive any specific instructions.
How Do I Determine My Performance Area Weightings? This is actually the FINAL decision of your process, not the first. After estimating your probable scores in each of the four areas, allocate maximum weights to those areas that will give you the highest overall score, while assigning the permitted minimum percentages to your weaker areas.
How Should I Structure My Curriculum Vitae? Submit a full professional Vitae, not just for your years at ASU Structure it according to the four basic criteria areas (sub-areas are fine): Teaching, Research, Academic Service, and Community Service
How Should I Structure My Curriculum Vitae? Appearance and professionalism COUNT!
How Is Teaching Evaluated? Annual Performance Review Scores from Chair
What Materials Should I Submit to Document My Teaching Performance? Copies of all SIRS, by year Examples of outstanding teaching materials (multi-media, unusual performance assessment tools, exceptional handouts, student performances, etc. Letters of recommendation from students and colleagues who have observed your teaching Reflections on outstanding aspects of your teaching Copies of all syllabi
How Are Research and Creative Activity Evaluated? See Research and Creative Activity Assessment Form and Worksheet Form You must select a combination of activities that yield a minimum total weighting of 8
How Are Research and Creative Activity Evaluated? For promotion to associate or full professor you must have a score of at least 2.0 on any one of items 5, 6, 7, or 8
How Is Research Evaluated? Let’s do a practice exercise on research….
How Do I Document My Research and Creative Activity? Provide a Summary Sheet at the beginning of that section of your portfolio; see my exemplar Provide copies of all publications, funded grant proposals, presentation handouts, etc. Provide copies of all conference programs at which you presented
How Do I Document My Research and Creative Activity? Provide copies of any letters of thank-you or evaluations of your presentations Provide proof of journal editorship, membership on review boards, awards, etc.
How Is Academic Service Evaluated? See the Academic Citizenship Assessment and Worksheet Forms You must be evaluated on a minimum of 5 items; these must include items 3, 9, and 12.
How Is Academic Service Evaluated? Start with items 3, 9, and 12 Departmental, college, and university committee service Participation in professional organizations (membership counts less than officership) Professionalism exhibited in relations with colleagues YOU MUST DOCUMENT ALL OF THESE, not just list them
How Is Academic Service Evaluated? Now decide which other two to four items are your strongest and best documented. Estimate your scores for these and for the three mandatory items. If the scores for the mandatory three are below your scores for the highest of your best two other items, calculate the overall score if you include three or four items beyond the mandatory three. Do NOT add more items (beyond the required five) unless they are clearly increasing the AVERAGE of your score!!!
How Should I Document Academic Service? Obtain letters of appointment or letters from all committee chairs Provide examples of course syllabi, handbooks, etc. you have developed Obtain a letter from your department chair on your contributions to curriculum development
How Is Community Service Evaluated? Select your best three community service areas. Do NOT select more than three! In this category, more than three cannot help but can harm you!
How Do I Document Community Service? Letters from organizations you have served Copies of bulletins, newsletters, etc. showing your service Exemplars of your presentations
Now It’s Finally Time for Us to Calculate the Weighting for the Different Areas See the Area Weighting Sheets Using the estimated performance scores you have from each area, choose your most favorable weighting balance Be certain to have at least the minimum weighting in each area
Now It’s Finally Time for Us to Calculate the Weighting for the Different Areas If your overall performance score is not well above a 3, go back into the system and determine where you need to try to gain more points
Best Wishes! Please ask any questions you might have!