Come & SEE SEE & Go 16 March 2016 Norway House Bruxelles
2 Romanian Agency for Erasmus+ (ANPCDEFP) Donor program partner: SIU (NO), RANNIS (IS), AIBAA (LI) Total amount: Euro Duration: Objective: Enhanced human capital and knowledge base in Romania Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
3 No. of Calls: 3 regular Calls (2013, 2014, 2015) for Preparatory Visits, Mobility projects and Cooperation projects 1 special Call(2016) for bilateral projects No. of applications:28 PVs, 45 Mobility projects, 16 Cooperation projects Joint projects/no. of financed projects: 26 PVs, 45 Mobility projects, 12 Cooperation projects Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
4 In Romania, the program was dedicated exclusively to the Higher education sector. The Mobility projects financed the mobility of the students as well as of the teaching and administrative staff. The estimative figures for Mobility projects show the following achievements so far: 300 students – target staff – target 150 Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
5 Top of institutions from DS, that received RO students and/or staff: Buskerud and Vestfold University College (NO)-21 Nesna University College (NO)-19 The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO)-16 Hotel Anna (IS)-15 students in placements Volda University College (NO)-13 University of Adger (NO)-12 Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
6 Top of the most represented areas for academic mobility: Humanities and Arts-41 Social sciences, Business and Law-38 Science, Mathematics and Computing-9 Education-4 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 4 Services-4 Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
7 The cooperation projects focused mainly on the following academic areas: Health and welfare Education Social Sciences Engineering and Computing Scholarships and inter-institutional cooperation
8 Show Cases PP: West University of Timisoara DS Partner: University of Iceland (Institute of Public Administration and Politics) The aim of the project was to increase the quality of the research in socio-economic field and it was a joint education and research project Transnational cooperation for research consolidation through knowledge and innovation transfer
9 PP:University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca DS partners: University of Bergen It was an exceptional research project, continued by a 2-nd one, with immediate and important practical application in cancer therapies Show Cases Nanotechnology approach in Acute Myeloid Leukemia management
10 PP:University Politehnica of Bucharest DS partner: University of Akureyri, Iceland It was a project aiming at introduction of new fields of study and curriculum, based on up-to-date technologies Show Cases Augmented Reality for Technical Entrepreneurs – ARTE
11 PP:University Politehnica of Bucharest DS partner: University of Reykjiavik, Iceland It was a project aiming at introduction of new fields of study and curriculum, based on up-to-date technologies; the cross-curricular approach is to be underlined Show Cases 3D Modelling Techniques for BioMedical Engineering
12 University Al. I. Cuza, Iasi 193 students and staff (of a total of 500!), with 28 incoming Show Cases Champion of Mobility projects
Thank you for your kind attention! 16 March 2016 Norway House Bruxelles