the FOOD Pyramid Steps to a healthier you
What is Established by USDA in 2005 5 food groups and oils Bigger the strip, more proportions. Are for general public over 2 yrs. Old.
Grains Make half of your grains whole What: Whole grain bread, cereal, rice and crackers recommended. Nutrient: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 6 ounces. Boys (14-18) 7 ounces. One ounce equals: 1 slice of bread, cups popcorn, and 1 cup cereal. 1 baseball = 2 ounces of pasta or rice.
Vegetables Vary your veggies What: Broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans and lettuce. Nutrient: Potassium, fibers, folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 2 ½ cups. Boys (14-18) 3 cups. One cup equals: 1 large tomato, 1 ear of corn, and 12 baby carrots. 1 baseball = 1 cup of vegetables.
Fruits Focus on fruits What: Apples, bananas, berries, 100 percent fruit juice. Nutrient: Potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate. Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 1 ½ cups. Boys (14-18) 2 cups. One cup equals: 1 small apple, 1 large banana, 8 large strawberries, and ½ cup dried fruit. 1 baseball = 1 cup of fruit
Oils Know your fats What: Canola oil, olive oil, nuts, olives and some fish. Bad oils: butter, beef fat, margarine, shortening. Nutrients: Vitamin E Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 5 teaspoons. Boys (14- 18) 6 teaspoons. Most people consume enough oils in what they eat such as: nuts, fish, and salad dressings.
Milk Get your calcium rich foods What: Milk, cheese and yogurt. Nutrients: Potassium, calcium, and vitamin D. Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 3 cups. Boys (14-18) 3 cups. 1 cup equals: 8-ounce container of yogurt, 3 slices of cheese, 1 ½ cups of ice cream, and 1 half-pint container of milk.
Meat and Beans Go lean on protein What: Meat, poultry (ex: chicken), dry beans/peas, and nuts/seeds. Nutrients: Protein, Vitamin B’s, Vitamin E, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium. Serving Size: Girls (14-18) 5 ounces. Boys (14-18) 6 ounces. 1 ounce equals: 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, ¼ can of tuna and 1 slice of lunch meat. 1 deck of cards = 3 ounces of meat. 1 ping-pong ball = 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
Physical Activity Recommended 60 minutes a day for teenagers. Adults should have 30 minutes on most days. Examples: Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Flexibility
Asian Food Pyramid In 2010, more than 40 percent of children in the World Health Organization's North American and eastern Mediterranean regions, 38 percent in Europe and 22 percent in southeast Asia are predicted to be overweight or obese. 18 percent less obese children in southeast Asia than U.S. Look at the chart. Why do you think that is?
Eat Well and Stay Healthy! 1) Make Smart Food Choices Choose wide variety of foods. 2) Balance Food and Physical Activity 60 minutes on most days. 3) Get the Most Nutrition Out of Your Calories Nutrient dense foods. 4) Handle Food Safely Clean, separate, and cook.