Ordinance No. 999, 1 st Reading, Abandon a pedestrian and equestrian easement located along the southern boundary of Lots 10 through 17, Block 1, Fox Hollow Addition as shown on the plat dated July 5, 1996 Item 4J
Requested Action Ordinance No. 999, 1 st Reading, Abandon a pedestrian and equestrian easement located along the southern boundary of Lots 10 through 17, Block 1, Fox Hollow Addition as shown on the plat dated July 5, 1996
Background Information The Developer of the Fox Hollow Addition dedicated on a plat a ten foot (10’) wide strip of land as an easement/trail across the south boundary of Lots and across the east half of the south boundary of Lot 17. This easement was to be utilized exclusively for the improvement and utilization as an equestrian trail. The City agreed to maintain the trail for equestrian use only.
Background Information The Developer and City agreed that in the future, if said trail becomes obsolete due to lack of availability of easement across adjoining properties, the City will formally abandon said easement and the property within said easement shall revert to the property owner, fee simple. The property to be abandoned and quit claimed is.26 acres, as more particularly described and shown in Exhibit “A” attached.
Background Information East Entrance off Cornerstone Bible Church
Background Information Trees have increased in size making it less accessible Access has been limited at both ends
Background Information Residents have been informed of the Ordinance and Public Meeting
Financial Considerations There are no costs to the City other than the normal filing fees to record the Quit Claim at Tarrant County Courthouse.
Questions: Kari Happold (817)