Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham Kath Miller Housing 21 Operations Manager, Oldham PFI Contract Welcome Schemes Overview 1456 total properties in PFI contract Oldham Council 294 Extra Care (8 schemes) 308 Sheltered (Cat 2) (11 schemes) 854 bungalows (Cat 1) (located around/near schemes) 100% temp move for existing tenants and rights to return even in Extra Care
Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham 8 Schemes - 7 refurb, 1 new build -all very different due to refurbishment, also existing tenants requirements St Herberts Court refurb 25 units regen restaurant Walton House refurb 24 units no restaurant Charles Morris Hse refurb 30 units regen restaurant Old Mill House refurb 37 units regen restaurant Aster House refurb 33 units regen restaurant Hopwood Court refurb 33 units regen restaurant Trinity House refurb 53 units cateringrestaurant Tandle View Court new 59 units cateringrestaurant
Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham Funding arrangements from Housing 21 perspective as Contractor Monthly contract fee from Council (fixed under a formula for 30 years) Monthly contract fee pays for Loan costs, construction costs, H21 Operating costs, and other associated costs including insurance etc. Costs are ring fenced under a Special Purpose Vehicle H21 subsidiary company Oldham Retirement Housing Partnership as per banking covenant requirements SP within contract fee Care costs outside the contract Tenants rents and SP and other charges collected by Housing 21 and paid over to Council – Council sets all charges From Council perspective – Housing Revenue Account receives rent and charges income, SP grant and PFI subsidy to fund the monthly contract fee
Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham Operational challenges (Housing 21) Personal budgets, Different levels of schemes, PFI contract framework Personal budgets for care Where different care service providers – how can night cover be funded? Option 1 – different day cover providers and one night cover provider (disadvantage: no continuity and overall ownership of the service, advantage: can be cheaper to provide) Option 2 – one provider to build up and gain most or all of care service in each scheme, and provide on site night service –this can include hub and spoke principles of nearby properties ( advantage: continuity of care and if provider is also the Extra Care Scheme RSL then there are double benefits of joined up management and continuity of care and support under one organisation)
Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham Different Levels of Schemes All 8 have care service accommodation, health/hairdressing, assisted bathing, Only 2 have full catering, 6 regeneration catering, and 1 with no catering Only 1 has a shop Scheme size ranges from 25 to 59 units with different numbers and sizes of communal lounges according to size of schemes, therefore less flexibility of use Solutions: Extra Care staffing on differential grades plus support and care staff according to each schemes needs; hub and spoke for care also to be developed around smaller schemes; mix of catering companies/local enterprise/Age Concern meals/Day Centre provision PFI Contract Framework Customer service principles are embedded in the PFI contract but active management of contract is also required Funding principles need to be clear – mix of Care funding and PFI Contract funding coming into costs of each scheme where care is provided by Housing 21
Housing 21 Extra Care in Oldham Key to Housing 21 approach is the emphasis on: services, ‘staff ownership’ and listening to tenants – e.g. health suites have become the pamper suites concept and Tandle Views shop became the tenants own shop Wider strategies: Use of all schemes for Oldhams Health and Well Being agendas, promotion of Extra care as a mixed workable concept – also learning from others BME strategy Age concern partnership Showcasing Housing 21