A Changing Media Landscape
0 The Changing Times
History The Irish Times was established in 1859 by Major Lawrence Knox Became a public company in 1900 In 1974 The Irish Times became a Trust
Trusted Source The main primary objective of The Irish Times is to be: an independent newspaper concerned with serious issues for the benefit of the community throughout the whole of Ireland free from any form of personal or of party political, commercial, religious, or other sectional control
Editorial Policy Objectives… A.The support of constitutional democracy expressed through governments freely elected. B.The progressive achievement of social justice between people and the discouragement of discrimination of all kinds; C.The promotion of a society where the quality of life is enriched by the standards of its education, its art, its culture, and its recreational facilities and where the quality of spirit is instinct with Christian values but free from all religious bias and discrimination; D.The promotion of peace and tolerance and opposition to all forms of violence and hatred so that each man may live in harmony with his neighbour considerate for his cultural, material and spiritual needs; E.The promotion of understanding of other nations and peoples and a sympathetic concern for their well being.
To enable the readers of The Irish Times to… Reach informed and independent judgments Contribute more effectively to the life of the community Ensure that the following principles govern the publication of The Irish Times…
that news shall be as accurate and as comprehensive as is practicable and be presented fairly that comment and opinion shall be informed and responsible and shall be identifiable from fact that special consideration shall be given to the reasonable representation of minority interests and divergent views
A Daily Audience Today of 427,000
The landscape has changed from this… TV Radio Newspapers Billboards Passive Recipient
…to this in 2016 Active Recipients
The Challenge …. How to build a sustainable digital future? And extend the time frame for the print revenue model for as long as possible Implementing very significant organisational change in a traditional structure.
Circulation Editorial Advertising The Old Newspaper Model…….. … 3 silo’s
The New Model ………. Content TechnologyMarketing Enablers INTERDEPENDENTINTERDEPENDENT Business to Consumer Business to Business
Finance Technology HR Editorial Business to Business Business to Consumer Contract Printing With Key Support Activities in.. Focus on 4 Key Business Areas….
From 6 Day print to 24/7 News Extended Range : -Video -Audio -Social Media -Live Blogs Print /Desktop/Mobile Informed by Data Editorial
When are our visitors reading most? Concentrated consumption during working hours Monday to Friday with particular focus from early morning to lunchtime. The busiest weekend periods are Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings. HourMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 01.7% 1.8% 1.9%2.8%2.7% 11.2% 1.3% 1.9%1.8% 21.0% 1.3% 30.9% 1.2%1.1% 40.9%1.0% 1.2%1.1% 51.5%1.7%1.8% 1.7%1.9%1.3% 62.9%3.4%3.6% 3.5%3.7%2.2% 74.6%4.9%5.1%5.4%5.1%5.9%3.8% 86.1%5.8%5.9%6.4%6.0%7.0%5.3% 96.0%5.5% 5.8%6.1%6.6%5.7% 105.7%5.2%5.3%5.5%5.4%6.0%5.4% 116.1%5.8% 5.4%5.0% 127.1%6.9%6.8%6.9%6.5%5.3%5.1% 136.3%5.9% 6.1%5.9%5.1%4.8% 145.5%5.2%5.1%5.3% 4.6% 155.4%5.3%5.1%5.2%5.4%4.5%4.8% 165.0%4.9% 5.1%4.5%5.0% 174.6%4.5%4.4%4.3%4.5%4.4%5.1% 184.5%4.4% 4.2%4.3% 5.3% 194.8%4.6%4.7%4.4%4.6% 5.9% 205.2%5.6%5.4%4.9%4.8% 6.3% 215.4%6.1%6.0%5.4%5.3%5.0%6.6% 224.7%5.4%5.2%4.8%4.9%4.5%5.7% 232.9%3.1% 3.5%3.4%3.9% Grand Total100.0%
Business to Consumer From a distribution activity To a Sales and Marketing focused function New Digital skills + Customer Care
Building Channels to the Consumer…. Consumer Retail Home Delivery Student Hub Digital Subscriptions Corporate Sales
B2C : Product Suite
from 4,000 retailers to 40,000 subscribers
Business to Business From advertising sales to a multi skilled and multi function sales team. Introducing..
Multitasking Parents Careerists C-Suites
The Irish Times Content Studio
5 Key Learnings People Planning Technology is complex! Rethink the way you work Communication is key