RISKS CONSORTIUM (Geological and Geotechnical Risks) Ciência 2010 Lisboa, 5-6 Julho, 2010
>Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, IP > Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, IP >Fundação da Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras (FUL) Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa (FUL-CEG/UL) >Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) Centro de Geologia da Universidade de Lisboa (CeGUL) >Instituto Superior Técnico Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA) Centro de Geo-Sistemas (CVRM) >Universidade de Évora (UEvora) Centro de Geofísica de Évora (CGE) >Universidade de Aveiro (UA) Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (UAvr-CESAM). Risco Geológico GeoBiotec >Instituto de Meteorologia >Empresa de Serviços e Desenvolvimento de Software, SA (EDISOFT) CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks 2 Consortium
Topic 1Geological characterization of the territory, on- and off-shore, supported by a deep knowledge of the complex lithological constitution of the crust, its structures, tectonics and geodynamics evolution Topic 2Structural, volcanic, neotectonic, seismotectonic and structural mapping of seismic-geological horizons (Algarve, Lower Tagus Valley and Atlantic archipelagos) Topic 3Liquefaction vulnerability assessment based on the geologic/ geomorphologic intersection Topic 4GIS database on disastrous landslides occurred in Portugal in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century Topic 5Development of methodologies for landslide and ground movement risk assessment Topic 6Guidelines on landslide hazard and risk assessment to be applied at the municipal scale Topic 7Hydrogeologic surveying for water supply, answering problems arising from desertification, drought and forestry fires Topic 8Advanced forecast modeling tools for land subsidence induced by groundwater exploitation (dissolution caves) Topic 9Geochemical, geophysical and remote sensing mapping to distinguish natural enrichment in chemical elements from pollution Topic 10Identification of geologic and oceanographic events that can constitute risk for the human activity in coastal regions Topic 11Monitoring geotechnical risks along the coast (namely Mesozoic/Paleozoic boundary in Algarve basin) CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks 3 Topics
Topic 12Identification and quantification of major deterioration mechanisms and agents that affect the geotechnical structures Topic 13Establishment of probabilistic models to evaluate the reliability of the geotechnical structures Topic 14Evaluation of consequences of failure of some geotechnical structures, including the use of break analysis and human behavior modeling Topic 15Methodologies and advanced tools to improve geotechnical risk management Topic 16Proposal of acceptability and tolerability risk criteria of some geotechnical structures Topic 17Definition of risk mitigation measures of some geotechnical structures Topic 18Analyzing measurable risk factors and studying real time monitoring systems Topic 19Organization of workshops for Citizens’ awareness promotion to geological and geotechnical hazards Topic 20Advanced training programs for consortium and stakeholders members related to geological and geotechnical risks Topic 21Information dissemination related to geological and geotechnical risks CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks 4 Topics
>Sustainable development Environmental conservation Individual well fare and safety >Scarcity of economical resources Optimization of benefits arising of resources allocation Respect for the equity of rights >Crescent need of Natural risk management and due to human action Accountability and transparency in engineering practice Communication between technicians, decisions makers, regulators and general public Interest of Risk Management RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks CiÊNCIA 2010
Interest of Risk Management >In Geotechnics Systematic and explicit approach of uncertainties >Integrated consideration of the potential consequences >Contribution for the minimization of non predicted situations, incidents and accidents >Integration of all activities inherent to the work safety All phases Operation conditions Conservation state RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks CiÊNCIA 2010
>Assessment and mitigation of the liquefaction potential of soils based on geological/geomorphological and geotechnical studies >Possible consequences of post liquefaction phenomena in embankment dams and other geotechnical structures CiÊNCIA Liquefaction and Cyclic Mobility RISKS CONSORTIUM - Geological and Geotechnical Risks
>Development of methodologies for landslide and ground movement risk assessment National railway system o Comparison of alternative rehabilitation projects o Prioritization of costs allocation CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 8 Landslide and ground movement
>Observational methodologies and risk geotechnical assessment methodologies to study the Portuguese coastal line >Types of structural as well as non-structural measures to minimize the risks due to the effects of coastal erosion CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 9 Geological/geotechnical risks through the coast line
>Overlapping of geological and other data: Litologies and alteration Main faults and fracturing patterns Hydrogeologic features Slopes Land use and construction >Geomorphologic Mapping Land slide and rock fall risks Recent and old occurrences >Deliverables for: Land use planning Risk prevention CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 10 Mapping of Geomorphologic Susceptibility
CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 11 Geochemical dispersion due to industrial activities >Hierarchy and tipification of “black points” >Case Study of Abandon Mines in Portugal >Government Program for the recovery of old mine sites >Research on geochemical dispersion is a pre-requisite for recovery projects
>Failure of earth dams and dikes due to overtopping >Developing of a numerical model for predicting hydro grams of rupture originated from the occurrence of breaches in overtopping embankments >Risk management in underground works during construction and service CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 12 Deterioration mechanisms and agents of geotechnical structures
>Intrinsic variability of the ground characteristics >Time and spatial variability of the geotechnical and structural actions >Imperfection/incompleteness of the adopted geotechnical and constitutive models >Quantification of failure probability aiming to the correspondent risk quantification CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 13 Probabilistic models applied to geotechnical structures g(x’) < 0 g(x’) > 0 g(x’) = 0 x’ * O x1’x1’ x2’x2’ SORM FORM
>Acceptable and tolerance criteria for underground urban and inter-urban structures CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 14 Acceptability and tolerability risk criteria of geotechnical structures
>Analysis of measurable risk factors >Real time monitoring systems CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Geological and Geotechnical Risks 15 Risk mitigation measures of geotechnical structures