International experts Argue about global problems to find solutions Their decisions can have good effects that spread globally e.g. anti-smoking page professionals might not fully understand the effects of some of their decisions on a national or regional level.
Popular movies, music, television shows, newspapers, satellite broadcasts, fast food and clothing, among other entertainment and consumer goods from American culture become more globalized and learn about another culture Americanization Negative effect eg) on European film industries
can be described as the spread of American cultural products such as restaurant chains, music, films, books and TV shows, to countries all around the world. foreign media groups contribute to the spread of American popular culture e.g.) selling U.S. products and making them more accessible worldwide Could make ‘cultural genocide’
more positive view of globalization could enrich the world culturally and encourage people to understand other cultures. be more emotionally connected and global events are “humanized.” The spread of certain values, for example, democracy and the promotion of issues such as human rights
89 percent of magazines sold in Canada is foreign and a high percentage of which are American. difficult to decide whether a magazine is produced in or outside Canada in 1993, time warner was produced in United Sates but printed in Canada without tax as a foreign import negative effect on Canada’s magazine industry today.
Globalization has made problems for small farmers the competition with food imports The farmers the economic efficiency is not the most important thing the economic competition has a negative effect on their way of life in the US many farmers and agricultural workers have lost their jobs because they cannot compete with cheaper imported food
Globalization can also be seen in the way that Western countries sometimes impose their cultural values on other countries e.g) Mexico’s dolphin fishing industry, Norway & Japan’s whaling They argue that whaling has been part of their culture and economy for centuries.
The United States has often imposed economic sanctions on other countries to support a policy. e.g.) in the 1980s, against south Africa for not holding democratic elections e.g.) against Cuba because of nuclear development , since 1993 the United States has imposed sanctions against 35 countries Some people say that these have contributed to the globalization of American values.
In some East Asia nations the idea of “Asian values” has been suggested as an alternative to Western globalization “Asian values” hard work respect for authority believing the community is more important than the individual Some people say these values have contributed to great economic success. Others say that these values give an excuse for autocracy and corruption.
Islamic countries have been concerned about the spread of Western values through globalization e.g.) in the 1960s and 1970s women’s political rights later the revolutionary movement tries to remove all Western ideas from Iranian culture, tradition and religion. modernization without westernization western social network sites were used communication during the Arab Spring. the idea of democracy was used to bring political change
English is the language of globalization many governments have tried to protect their own languages and cultural identity e.g.) the French, Chinese government some Americans have decided to try to protect the use of English in some areas of US because of the high number of immigrants people and the government are trying to protect local language tradition and culture from globalization