NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory POIWG 23 Increment 17 Payload Operations Status Patricia Patterson Payload Operations Director MSFC/EO03 (256)
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 2 Payload Ops Readiness Payload Crew Training One ground training session remains for Increment 17 Crew Cosmonauts are 100% trained on payload ops March 10, 2008 – will include POIF Briefings Total hours = for complete crew No crew simulation with POIC is planned Greg Chamitoff participated as backup crew in Increment 15 sim, which satisfies the POIC CoFR requirement Payload Crew Procedures Updates/new procedures to be baselined: CW/RW – Waiting on PSRP approval before going to PODFCB (1/24/08) Procedures for all remaining payload/facility operations are ready
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 3 Payload Ops Readiness POIC Flight Controller Training Adequate cadre are position certified to support operations Increment specific training: 16S scheduled for completion by 08 March 1J scheduled for completion by 18 April Inc. 17 Cadre/PD #1 on February 12 Inc. 17 Cadre/PD #2 March 27 POIF Facility Status Prior to Increment 17: Transitioned to 1E Database 11/15/07—contains UMI 12 (DASS data load). MCC-H is scheduled to load the MSS R5 SW on 2/9/08 (after 1E landing or before ATV launch). POIC requires the load to happen post 1E and before 1J/A databases are loaded due to S band format loads in our database. Transition to 1J/A Database will be ~2 weeks after 1E launch so it is currently scheduled for 2/14/08. Transition will include PCFs to support ER3 and MSG rack moves. This will be the first use of commands with modifiable headers. PRO will be able to command to the racks in any location without having to transition to new databases
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 4 Payload Ops Readiness POIF Facility Status During Increment 17: Transition to the 1J Database is scheduled for 4/10/08 based on 1J launch of 4/24/08. This database will include UMI 12 and UMI 17 and two sets of PCFs to support ER4, ER5, HRF1 and HRF 2 rack moves. This transition will also include a new EHS/EPC build. ESA Cycle 11 (onboard SW update) with UMI 17 is scheduled for a May 2008 ISS load date. If updates to the UMI 17 Catalogue are made after our 1J transition, it is possible that a database transition will be required. With Cycle 11, ESA will start sending lateral transfer data. MCC-H will transition from CCS R6 to CCS R7 with a projected 8/19/08 ISS load date. All S band formats associated with this update will already be included in our 1J database. Transition to the ULF2 Database scheduled for 9/4/08 based on a ULF2 launch of 9/18/08. New PCFs will be included for the MELFI move to JEM and the addition of ER6 and many new payloads. This transition will likely include a new EHS/EPC build.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 5 Payload Planning Status Requirements All Payloads have completed planning inputs Baseline Process TCM and POCB Approval will be scheduled in February 2008 Payload OOS Development Original Increment 17 Research Plan payload prime requirement = hours Payload OOS Input = 146:50 hours 13S Stage (Pre 12A.1): 75:30 hours 12A.1 Joint Ops (not included in ~147 hrs): 2:05 (POEMS Sample Removal, PMDIS, TROPI Double Coldbag Transfer) 12A.1 Stage (Post 12A.1): 71:20 hours Remaining Schedule 12 February: Payload Inputs due to JSC for Final OOS TIM 03 – 14 March: Final OOS TIM in Houston
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 6 Open Payload Items Preparation for Payload Rack Relocations to IP Modules See backup charts for schedule of activities Crew Training and Ops Product Development for accelerated manifest of Payload Hardware CLSM-2: Two Sample Processing Units (SPUs) MSG-SHERE 1J Cold Stowage Return PEP R7 Schedule Ability to command MELFI in the JEM using a PCS
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 7 Payload Ops Readiness Backup Slides
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 8 Inc 17 Draft Transfer Procedure Development Schedule 2/01/2008 Product ER4/5 Rack Transfer Procedures 2/15 3/01 3/15 4/01 4/15 5/01 Notes ER4 & ER5 Transfer Procedures will be simple deltas off the ER3 baseline procedure Need date 9-12 weeks post 1J launch (dependent on JEM commissioning) HRF-1/2 Rack Transfer Procedures HRF has a Draft Transfer procedure in development Need date 9-12 weeks post 1J launch (dependent on JEM commissioning) MELFI Transfer Procedure will be new and may take a little more iteration that EXPRESS or HRF Need date 15 weeks post 1J launch, prior to ULF-2 launch OSO Initial Cut POIC Internal Review Desired Procedure CR Date MELFI Rack Transfer Procedure POIC Internal Review Desired Procedure CR Date OSO Initial Cut POIC Internal Review Desired Procedure CR Date OSO Initial Cut Note: Calendar dates are subject to change
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 9 Increment 17 Payload OOS Overview December-07