The Pythagorean Theorem
A little background A little background Pythagoras BCE. Pythagoras BCE. Born on the Greek island Samos and spent many years traveling and learning Math, Philosophy, Science among other subjects. Born on the Greek island Samos and spent many years traveling and learning Math, Philosophy, Science among other subjects. In 530 BC he started a school in Croton Italy. In 530 BC he started a school in Croton Italy. He is generally credited with a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, but Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese mathematicians discovered the result. Some had proofs and at earlier times than Pythagoras. He is generally credited with a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, but Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese mathematicians discovered the result. Some had proofs and at earlier times than Pythagoras.
Imagine these three squares are flattened gold. They have the same thickness but different side lengths. If given a choice would you chose to take the two smaller squares or the one large square?
Investigations Each table group will be given an investigation. When everyone in the group has completed the investigation and understands all the steps, work on the practice problems on the back or attached. Once you have completed the practice problems, raise your hand and you will be given the next worksheet.
Now, would you chose the two smaller gold squares or the one larger gold square? Why? The Pythagorean Theorem came from trying to find the length of a squares diagonal. Originally Pythagoras and his followers believed that everything in the universe could be represented by positive integers. That was until they tried to find the measure of the diagonals of a square with side length 1. What is the length of the diagonal? 1 1
Examples a and d from your practice problems. a) d) A C 8 C=10
Homework: page all, 8-12 even, all, even, 23, 35 Also, find three applications of the Pythagorean Theorem in your daily life. ( If you have trouble coming up with three, ask someone in your family.)