This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.
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Awake! Arise! Dawn has broken.
The trumpet sounds, announcing the day.
When the trumpet sounds, the soldier quickly awakens. He readies his fearsome weapons, and off to victory he goes!
When the anger in his heart matches the sparkle of his sword, the Stuart camp will collapse in ashes.
Soldiers of Cromwell, let us incline our minds and hearts to the morning hymns which are sacred to our divine Creator.
The moon, sun, stars, darkness and light, all bring glory to the Creator in their murmurings.
The earth and heavens exalt the Lord. Everyone give praise and honor to Him.
- Did you hear? - I heard. It ended.
The hymn of the pure heart has ascended on the winds, to the King which created the day.
To the festivities! May all hearts rejoice and sing of a holy love.
Any young man who looks at the lovely maiden Elvira calls her his star, his queen of love.
Her laughter and dear face are the beauty of paradise; she's a rose on its stem, an angel from Heaven.
To the festivities! May all hearts rejoice and sing of a holy love.
If love invites us to a wedding, may all hearts rejoice and sing of a holy love!
Let's sing of a holy love! Let's go to the festivities!
To where shall I flee now? Wherever can I hide my cruel suffering?
How those chants echo in my soul as bitter tears!
Elvira, for whom I sighed so gently, I have lost you forever!
Without hope or love, what is left now for me in this life?
- Your homeland and Heaven. - What voice is this? What did you say? It's true!
- Open your heart to me, dear friend. It will give you comfort. - It's hopeless, but I will open it to you.
Elvira's father promised to give me her hand. I left for the battle. Yesterday evening, I arrived and went to her father. - And he said?
- "Elvira loves Talbot, the cavalier. I have no authority over her heart." - Calm yourself, my friend.
The grief which penetrates my soul will only find calm in the sleep of the grave.
I have lost you forever, flower of love, my hope. The life which is left to me shall be filled with sorrow!
When I wandered for years and years in Fortune's sway, I defied care and misfortune, hoping one day to have your love.
- Your troops summon you to be their leader. - I no longer think of the path of glory.
- Does your heart not glow for homeland and honor? - I am glowing with the rage of love's ardor.
- Forget now the time which blossomed with hope and love. - Lovely dream of bliss, either change my fate or change my heart!
How I am tormented on this day of grief by the sweet memory of a tender love!
- Listen! Your troops summon you to lead them. - I no longer think of the path of glory.
- Does your heart not glow for homeland and honor? - I am glowing with the rage of love's ardor.
Come, remember honor and the homeland. Forget now the time which blossomed with hope and love.
Lovely dream of bliss, either change my fate or change my heart! How the memory of a tender love torments me on this day of grief!
- Forget now the time which blossomed with hope and love. - How the memory of a tender love torments me on this day of grief!