Leading by example – the public sector angle Lena Jutdal, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) A member organisation Represents and advocates for local government in Sweden Employer’s organisation Service and support to members Open Comparisons, statistics and analyses Best practices, networking and projects
Our members SALAR represents Sweden’s: 290 municipalities 20 regions
Local authorities´revenues
Local auhorities´expenditures
The welfare sector – an industry for the future new employees up until 2020 High level of retirements ( ) … … and a greater demand for welfare services (90 000)
Sweden’s Most Important Jobs … Facts Shaping opinion Tools for employers … a four-year communication initiative
Jobs for young people Early prevention Cooperation between schools and the world of work Prevent early school leaving Follow-up on early school leavers
School an the world of work Teaching about labour market issues Career guidance Internships and placements Cooperation with the local community and local employers
Challenges Widening the understanding of career guidance – a whole school approach Including this perspective from preschool and onwards Finding sustainable structures for cooperation with employers and the world of work
Effective employer engagement Highlight the win-win perspective Accept and respect the cultural differences Find the core motivation for local employers Recognise the public sector as employers