Report on availability of the JINR networking, computing and information infrastructure for real data taking and processing in LHC experiments Ivanov V.V. Laboratory of Information Technologies Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009
Development of the JINR Grid-environment The formation of a unified Grid- environment of the JINR Member States is a basis of the 7-year plan within the direction “Networks. Computing. Computation al Physics”. Three main levels within the Grid- environment : network, resource and applied.
GÉANT2 Pan-European Backbone Dark Fiber Core Among 19 Countries: Austria Belgium Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom 34 NRENs, ~30M Users; 50k km Leased Lines 12k km Dark Fiber; Point to Point Services GN3 Next Gen. Network Projected Start Q2 2009
Collaboration with RSCC, RIPN, MSK-IX, JET Infosystems, Nortel JINR - Moscow telecommunication channel
JINR Central Information and Computing Complex In 2008, total CICC performance was 1400 kSI2K, the disk storage capacity 100 TB At present, the CICC performance equals 2300 kSI2K and the disk storage capacity 400 TB CPU (kSI2K ) Disk(TB) Tapes(TB) SuperBlade – 5 BOX 80 CPU Xeon GHz Quad Core (two with InfiniBand)
JINR Central Information and Computing Complex
JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) Development of JINR CICC and Grid segment in accordance with experiments requirements Development of JINR CICC and Grid segment in accordance with experiments requirements Raising of the computing cluster performance Raising of the computing cluster performance Raising of the disk storage system Raising of the disk storage system Creation of the data storage system of Active tape type Creation of the data storage system of Active tape type Upgrade of the local CICC network up to 10 Gbps Upgrade of the local CICC network up to 10 Gbps Development of the servers maintaining the JINR Grid segment and computing cluster Development of the servers maintaining the JINR Grid segment and computing cluster Development and modernization of the servers of the JINR information structure and the general storage system (dCachе, WEB, database servers) Development and modernization of the servers of the JINR information structure and the general storage system (dCachе, WEB, database servers)
Now the RDIG infrastructure comprises 15 Resource Centers with more 7000 kSI2K CPU and more 1850 TB of disc storage. The RDIG infrastructure RDIG Resource Centres: – ITEP – JINR-LCG2 – Kharkov-KIPT – RRC-KI – RU-Moscow-KIAM – RU-Phys-SPbSU – RU-Protvino-IHEP – RU-SPbSU – Ru-Troitsk-INR – ru-IMPB-LCG2 – ru-Moscow-FIAN – ru-Moscow-GCRAS – ru-Moscow-MEPHI – ru-PNPI-LCG2 – ru-Moscow-SINP
support and development WLCG/EGEE infrastructure; support and development WLCG/EGEE infrastructure; participation in middleware testing/evaluation, participation in middleware testing/evaluation, participation in Data and Service Challenges, participation in Data and Service Challenges, grid monitoring and accounting system development; grid monitoring and accounting system development; FTS-monitoring and testing FTS-monitoring and testing MCDB development; MCDB development; Participation in ARDA activities in coordination with experiments; Participation in ARDA activities in coordination with experiments; HEP applications; HEP applications; User & Administrator Training and Education User & Administrator Training and Education support of JINR member states in the Grid activities. support of JINR member states in the Grid activities. JINR in the WLCG/EGEE
Frames for Grid cooperation of JINR in 2009 Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG); Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE); RDIG Development (Project of FASI) CERN-RFBR project “GRID Monitoring from VO perspective” BMBF grant “Development of the GRID-infrastructure and tools to provide joint investigations performed with participation of JINR and German research centers’ “Development of Grid segment for the LHC experiments” was supported in frames of JINR-South Africa cooperation agreement; NATO project "DREAMS-ASIA“ (Development of gRid EnAbling technology in Medicine&Science for Central ASIA); JINR-Romania cooperation Hulubei-Meshcheryakov programme Project "SKIF-GRID" (Program of Belarussian-Russian Union State). Project GridNNN (National Nanotechnological Net) We work in close cooperation and provide support to our partners in Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
RDIG obligations to WLCG
VO disks usage June 2009
Resource usage (real time statistics, 8 June 2009)
LHC experiments jobs (from December 2008 to June 2009
Normalised CPU time for RDIG VO (January – 8 June 2009)
Normalised CPU time at RDIG-sites for CMS, ATLAS and ALICE VO (January – 8 June 2009)
External monitoring from WLCG
At the beginning of June starts STEP’09 which is a multi-VO exercise in frames of WLCG. The acronym stands for Scale Testing for the Experiment Program in Results of this testing (CMS and ATLAS) will be available at the end of June
Conclusion The high-speed 20 Gbps telecommunication data link Dubna – Moscow was installed. The availability of the applied technologies and state-of-art networking equipment will be used for further extension of the channel capacity. The LIT plans on increasing the CICC performance up to 2300 KSI2K and the data storage up to 400 TB have been completed. The optimization of the network infrastructure of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex was performed. The JINR CICC infrastructure testing in frames of the preparation of real data processing for LHC experiments is in progress now.
Thank you for your attention !