Sarah Buckley, M.A. Community Education Advocate
What is Domestic Violence?
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will hurt forever.
Power and Control Wheel
Cycle of Violence
What is Sexual Violence?
Statistics ¼ women will experience DV in her life year old females are 4x more likely to experience DV 85% victims are female 81% abusers grew up in home with DV ¼ men will use some form of abuse against their partner 1/3 experiencing abuse will disclose ½ of all murders in CO are committed but partner 7-10x of leaving to make permanent 75% more risk of serious harm/death within 72 hours of leaving
What Do We Do? Housing 24 hour Helpline Counseling Privileged Confidentiality Safety Plans Resources Advocates Translation Support Groups Fundraisers Name Changes Address Anonymity Transportation/Travel-National Network Community Education Garfield County Domestic Violence Coalition
What can you do?
Help a Victim Specific 1.Understand the dynamics of domestic violence and continue to educate yourself about the issues involved. 2.Remember that most battered women stay in the relationship for a period of time after their partners become abusive and that women leave on average 7-10 x before leaving permanently. Women do leave and stay away. 3.Understand the victim’s view of her world and that she has the right to make decisions about her life. 4.Accept that you can not ‘fix it’. 5.You can give information about available resources. 6.You can give crucial information to agencies involved with the victim 7.You can be supportive to the victim and her children 8.You can let the victim know you are concerned for her safety. 9.You can let the parent know that children are negatively impacted but domestic violence (even if you think they are sleeping). 10.You can be a community member with zero tolerance for violence.
Art Project They have lost everything/almost everything Warm, caring, welcoming place They are scared They have children