CONTENTS 7-1Nouns: Count and NoncountNouns: Count and Noncount 7-2Using A vs. AnUsing A vs. An 7-3Using A/An vs. SomeUsing A/An vs. Some 7-4Using Some and AnyUsing Some and Any
3 one bracelet two bracelets three bracelets 7-1 NOUNS: COUNT AND NONCOUNT
4 some jewelry one bracelet three bracelets two bracelets 7-1 NOUNS: COUNT AND NONCOUNT
5 SINGULARPLURAL a pen one pen COUNT NOUN pens three pens some pens a lot of pens SINGULAR: a + noun one + noun PLURAL: noun + -s 7-1 NOUNS: COUNT AND NONCOUNT A COUNT NOUN
6 SINGULARPLURAL jewelry some jewelry a lot of jewelry NONCOUNT NOUN (no plural form) SINGULAR: No - a No - one 7-1 NOUNS: COUNT AND NONCOUNT PLURAL: No plural form. A NONCOUNT NOUN
7 We love to read books. countnoncount 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ?N OUN
8 I am studying grammar. countnoncount 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ?N OUN
9 Please pass the salt. countnoncount 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ?N OUN
10 We need some chairs. countnoncount 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ?N OUN
11 a bracelet an earring 7-2 USING A vs. AN
12 (a) A cow is an animal. 7-2 USING A vs. AN A an singular count nouns
13 (b) I have an idea. (c) My friend has an old horse. 7-2 USING A vs. AN an words that begin with vowels
14 (d) I have an ugly dog. (e) I have a useful idea. 7-2 USING A vs. AN /uh/ vowel sound /yu/ sound
15 (f) Give me an honest answer. (g) Today is a hot day. 7-2 USING A vs. AN /h/ sound silent /h/, vowel sound
16 I lost ___earring. an 7-2 Let’s Practice a an
17 That is ___ ugly bug. an 7-2 Let’s Practice a an
18 He is __ happy child. a 7-2 Let’s Practice a an
19 Let’s go in __ hour. an 7-2 Let’s Practice a an
20 a bracelet some bracelets 7-3 USING A/AN vs. SOME
21 singular count nouns plural count nouns noncount nouns (a) I have a book. She has an umbrella. (b) We have some apples. You have some soccer balls. (c) I got some mail. He has some information. 7-3 USING A/AN vs. SOME
22 She has _____ hat on her head. a 7-3 Let’s Practice singular count noun a an some
23 She has _____ nice hats.some 7-3 Let’s Practice plural count noun a an some
24 I need _____ water to wash my hands. some 7-3 Let’s Practice noncount noun a an some
25 Alice has some money. 7-4 USING SOME AND ANY
26 (a) Alice has some money. (b) Alice doesn’t have any money. (c) Does Alice have any money? (d) Does Alice have some money? STATEMENT 7-4 USING SOME AND ANY some in affirmative statements NEGATIVE any in negative statements QUESTION either some or any in questions
27 (e) Graham doesn’t have any money. (f) Graham doesn’t have any coins. 7-4 USING SOME AND ANY noncount noun plural count noun any + noncount nouns any + plural count nouns
28 I need _____ time to study. some 7-4 Let’s Practice some any
29 We don’t have _____ cheese.any 7-4 Let’s Practice some any
30 All children should have _____ books. some 7-4 Let’s Practice some any
31 There aren’t _____ horses in the field. any 7-4 Let’s Practice some any