Substantiv (Nouns)
EgennamnVanliga substantiv (Common nouns)(Proper nouns)
Vanliga substantiv (Common nouns) Konkreta (concrete) Räknebara (countable) Abstrakta (abstract)
Countable nouns are words you can put a or an in front of A is used if a word starts with a consonant (f, g, r, t etc.) An is used if a word starts with a vowel (sound) There are only 5 vowels in English: a, e, i, o, u The is used if you have mentioned the word before or if the subject is mentioned later in the sentence. The apple I ate was green. An apple A cat (Definite and indefinite article) Bestämd och obestämd artikel
Some words you can not put a/an or the in front of as they are hand to count. Most of those words are abstract, such as ideas and concepts. You can use other words in front of it to make it right. Non-Countable Nouns Coffee Music Water Love Freedom
Alla egennamn skrivs med stor bokstav. (all proper nouns starts with a capital letter) Names on people Names on places (countries, cities, companies, streets, etc.) Proper Nouns
Plural Plural = fler av något Ett substantiv i plural får -s ändelse (A plural noun takes -s ending) One cat Three cats
Practice! 2Vilka två undergrupper delas sedan första gruppen in i? 5Översätt: Brian tog en kaka. Lara tog fem kakor. 4Översätt: En hund åt en apelsin. Apelsinen var sur. 3Vad ska man tänka på extra med andra gruppen? 1Vilka två huvudgrupper av substantiv finns det?
Key 3Att alltid använda stor bokstav! 2Konkreta (concrete) och abstrakta (abstract) 4A dog ate an orange. The orange was sour. 5Brian took one cookie. Lara took five cookies. 1Vanliga (common) och egennamn (proper)