Arizona Response to Intervention Training Module 1 (Please View This Training Module Using the “Notes” View of PowerPoint) Arizona Department of Education
Objectives Describe the legal foundations of RTI. Give the educational rational for RTI. Give an overview of the components of RTI. Describe the tiers of instruction. 7/6/2016Module 1 2
Federal Legislation ESEA / NCLB –accountability –school improvement –adequate yearly progress (AYP) IDEA 2004 –effective instruction –progress monitoring –early intervening services 7/6/2016Module 1 3
IDEA and ESEA Companion laws that address closing the achievement gaps Underscore importance of high quality, scientifically-based instruction and interventions Hold schools accountable for the progress of all students in meeting grade level standards 7/6/2016Module 1 4
Arizona Policies and Procedures ESS offers districts and charter schools: The opportunity to submit an “Assurance Letter” –for using RTI in the process of identifying students with specific learning disabilities. The “Assurance Letter” must be filed with Exceptional Student Services –prior to using RTI for SLD eligibility. 7/6/2016Module 1 5
Arizona Legislation ARS : K-3 schools must use screening and diagnostic assessments. K-3 schools must adopt a scientifically based reading curriculum. Schools must provide intensive instruction for 3 rd graders not meeting reading standards. 7/6/2016Module 1 6
Arizona’s Goals Increase: prevention and early intervention strategies effective literacy and behavioral interventions –for culturally and linguistically diverse students Decrease inappropriate referrals of minority students to special education 7/6/2016Module 1 7
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) 7/6/2016Module 1 8
Why do we need to raise the level of literacy in the United States schools? 7/6/2016Module 1 9
7/6/ Williamson (2004)
7/6/ HS Lit CTE Text HS Text MilitaryPersonal Use Entry Level Occ. College Text Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L)
What researchers are telling us? At least half of all middle and high school students do not have the necessary grade-level reading skills to successfully master curriculum standards. (NCES,2005) Between 1996 and 2006, the average literacy required for all American occupations is projected to rise by 14% (Barton, 2000). Only about 55% of African American students, 58% of Hispanic students graduate on time –compared to 78% of white students and 81% of Asian students. (EPE, 2008) 7/6/2016Module 1 12
You cannot get exponential change with incremental movement. George Batsche(2009) 7/6/2016Module 1 13
Why RTI and data driven problem solving? To: integrate general and special education expertise document effectiveness of instruction for all students align student needs with effective instruction re-examine assumptions underlying practice attend to AYP in high stakes testing & disaggregations –RTI fits hand and glove with NCLB 7/6/2016Module 1 14
Why RTI? About maximizing results Provides mechanism to take control of their outcomes Provides iterative, self- correcting mechanism; driven by student results 7/6/2016Module 1 15
In Sum – Why RTI? Most importantly: Despite our best efforts many students are not successful in acquiring basic skills. 7/6/2016Module 1 16
What is AZ RTI? The practice of providing high-quality … instruction/intervention matched to student needs, using learning rate over time and level of performance to inform educational decisions. Source: NASDSE. Response to Intervention: policy considerations and implementation 7/6/2016Module 1 17
ADE Mission Statement “The Why” “To ensure academic excellence for all students” 7/6/2016Module 1 18
School Improvement Model 7/6/2016 “The What” Module 1 19
Arizona’s RTI Model “The How” 7/6/2016Module 1 20
High above the hushed crowd, Rex tried to remain focused. Still, he couldn’t shake one nagging thought: He was an old dog and this was a new trick. 7/6/2016
Key Components of AZ RTI High quality evidence based core curriculum Universal Screening Three levels of instruction and intervention to meet students’ needs Progress monitoring Data driven decisions 7/6/2016 Module 1 22
Universal Instruction: Tier 1 (Standards-Based Classroom Learning) All students’ general education includes: Universal screenings Implementation of Arizona’s Academic Standards Differentiated instruction Progress monitoring Content literacy in the universal instruction 7/6/2016 Module 1 23
Targeted Intervention: Tier 2 (Needs Based Learning) Targeted students participate in interventions: Students identified through screening Student placement based upon data decisions Ongoing progress monitoring to measure student progress and guide decision making. Small group instruction (1:3 to 1:5) 7/6/2016 Module 1 24
Intensive Intervention: Tier 3 (Needs Based Learning) Students receive more intensive interventions: Did not responded to Tier 2 interventions Smaller groups/individual (1:1 to1:3) More time Weekly progress monitoring 7/6/2016Module 1 25
Keys to RTI Implementation: Administrative support –Both at the district and school level Staff support –Certified and classified staff 3-5 years to implement On going professional development Parents are involved at all levels 7/6/2016Module 1 26
Please Read AZ RTI Elementary Technical Assistance Paper: AZ RTI Secondary Technical Assistance Paper: 7/6/2016Module 1 27
Quiz Please take the quiz and check your answers: 7/6/2016Module 1 28
Web Resources AZ/RTI: Intervention Central: RTI 4 Success: What Works Clearinghouse: Florida Center for Reading Research: DIBELS: 7/6/2016Module 1 29