Portfolio Assessment 2 Presentation Format In this example, the student displays their reflections and artefacts in a powerpoint presentation. Sample content is provided for Domain 1 only and all narrative examples are in the form of “stem sentences”. Students should determine goals and intended outcomes for all six domains. Title and Contents Professional Philosophy & Self Assessment Slide 2 Reflection on Domain 1 & List of Artefacts Slide 3 Reflection on Domain 2 & List of Artefacts Slide 4 Reflection on Domain 3 & List of Artefacts Slide 5 Reflection on Domain 4 & List of Artefacts Slide 6 Reflection on Domain 5 & List of Artefacts Slide 7 Reflection on Domain 6 & List of Artefacts Slide 8 Artefacts Contents List Slide 9 Artefacts as Appendices Slide 10
Professional Philosophy & Self Assessment Name: Specialist Teaching Student ID: 012312345 Location: Albany Role: Principle (primary) Email: portfolio.examples@gmail.com www.specialistteaching.net.nz Summary of Self Assessment Domain 1 Professional Knowledge I achieved goals 1, 3 and 5 Goal 2 was incomplete Domain 2 Assessment Practice I achieved all learning goals Domain 3 Evidence-Based Practice I achieved goals 1 & 2 Goal 3 was partially achieved Domain 4 Inter-Professional Practice I achieved all goals Domain 5 Cultural Responsiveness Two goals added & achieved Domain 6 Reflective & Ethical Practice I achieved goals 2 & 3 Goal 1 was not achieved at all This portfolio showcases the artefacts & reflections that contribute to my professional identity as a specialist teacher in the area of …... My professional background includes …… … … The theoretical and philosophical foundations of my teaching include …………. My orientation and approach have been informed by ……….. Overall my view of teaching in the specialist area ……. is that … … … My reflections on the artefacts included in this portfolio link to my goals set for each domain. My readings and discussions in the area of reflective & ethical practice (domain 1) made me realise that …. Issues relating to biculturalism and multiculturalism (domain 2) applied to my own context indicated that …….. The matrix of perspective (domain 3) gave me insight into the differences between my espoused theory vs theory in use and this …… Sharing perspectives across different professional areas (domain 4) highlighted the importance of partnership and collaboration in that …… Understanding what constitutes evidence (domain 5) in different contexts highlighted for me the importance of ……. Learning more about dynamic assessment (domain 6) made me reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches such as norm referenced, criterion based and ipsative assessment which I was able to apply in my own practice in ……….
Reflection on Domain 1: Ethical & Reflective Practice My goals in domain 1 were to integrate and apply knowledge & skills relating to ethical and reflective practice; to analyse my practice in terms of ethical dilemmas and the codes of ethics; and to have a better understanding of Special Education policies and how these impact on my practice. Selection of Artefacts The artefacts that I have selected to include in this portfolio showing evidence of achieving these goals for domain 1 include: Reflection Reflecting on these artefacts has highlighted for me that ………. In the discussion forum (Artefact 1) on Codes of Practice colleagues compared different codes of practice and it was interesting to note the differences in views and the concerns raised about practice. In particular …… In the Forum Discussion on the Special Ed Review (Artefact 2) I was able to provide examples from my own school context of how some of the concerns raised in the review were……. This showed that ……….. The reading that I chose to do for Assignment 1 on this domain (Artifact 3) was on …. … …. and a critical aspect of this article for my practice was……. …., which foreground …………. My knowledge of all areas in this domain improved, as evidence in my changes in quiz self reporting (Artefact 4) but in particular I was interested to see that ……….. Artefact 5 is an example of the application of a model to analyse a dilemma in a school context. Using this model has increased my confidence in dealing with similar situations because……… Forum Discussions On Codes of Practice and Applying the Newman & Pollnitz model to an ethical dilemma On the Special Ed Review Assignment 1 Q & A for the reading on Reflective Practice Quiz Changes in Quiz self assessment over time Application Of the Newman & Pollnitz model to an ethical dilemma The most significant learning experience for me in terms of this domain was ……… and the insights that I take to my practice are ……… Areas where I feel that I would like to gain more experience/ knowledge include …….
Reflection on Domain 2: Cultural Responsiveness