MATcHES “Roles and responsibilities of the project partners” MATcHES Kick-off meeting Feb 2014 Ruse, Bulgaria TEMPUS BG-TEMPUS-JPHES “Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan” (MATcHES)
P1 – URAK, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” (WP8) coordinate the project activities and to have effective collaboration; (WP2) coordinate the design and implementation of the training programme (WP2) In the mobility programme URAK will focus in providing UZ universities' staff with their experience on the organization and deployment of PhD courses and of services to support of entrepreneurship. (WP2) URAK gives the possibility to the Uzbek partners to visit the Technology Transfer Center at the University of Ruse, etc.
P2 – BETI, Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute WP4 leader in charge of the creation of business and innovation support services in Uzbekistan. A key aspect of this task will be the establishment of Knowledge Transfer Offices within each UZ University and the planning for the establishment of Scientific and Technological Parks. To ensure a real sustainability of this activity, all other partners from UZ will be actively involved in this WP. BETI will collaborate in the development of the Needs Analysis in WP1 and the development of the training course in WP2 together with EU partners also thanks to its expertise in the training of scientific personnel for the integration of education, research and innovation sectors. BETI it will support the development of the REPs with the organization of the regional workshops (3 in each UZ university) while under WP4 they will be actively involved in the establishment of the KTO. Finally, they will widely disseminate project results. TEMPUS experience.
P3 – KEEI, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute KEEI is WP1 leader for the activity related to the Building of the Knowledge Basis. KEEI will support the collection of information for the Needs Analysis while identifying the main actors of the Knowledge triangle in UZ. KEEI will collaborate with other partners coordinate other the creation of the Model for the “Regional Innovation Systems”. KEEI will collaborate in the development of the training course in WP2 together with EU partners. KEEI it will support the development of the REPs with the organization of the regional workshops (3 in each UZ university) while under WP4 they will be actively involved in the establishment of the KTO. Finally, they will widely disseminate project results among UZ regions. TEMPUS experience.
P4 – NEPI, Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute WP7 leader, NEPI will develop an effective exploitation and sustainability strategy to guarantee maintenance of projects activities and especially of the training programme with regular updates in terms of content. Therefore, NEPI will provide strong support to the acquisition of new members within the 3 REPs while dealing with the technical maintenance of the websites. NEPI will collaborate in the development of the Needs Analysis in WP1 and the development of the training course in WP2 together with EU partners in particular the module on Business English. NEPI will support the development of the REPs with the organization of the regional workshops (3 in each UZ university) while under WP4 they will be actively involved in the establishment of the KTO. Finally, they will widely disseminate project results among UZ regions.
P5 – CCSTD, Committee for coordination of science&technology development, Tashkent To bring into the project the institutional support and the central vision on the national research and innovation system. CCSTD is WP 3 leader to coordinate and ensure strong institutional support to the development of the Regional Knowledge Platforms in Uzbekistan. Under WP1 together with Consulta Europa it will launch the public consultation for suggestions on the creation of a regional innovation system. CCSTD will organize together with UZ universities the 9 regional workshops for the presentation of the MATcHES project and the analysis phase. Finally it will be in charge of the organization of the final conference together with URAK under WP6. TEMPUS experience.
P6 – CCIRU, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara Representative of the business world, CCIRU will act as a communication bridge with business organisations and brings into the consortium its expertise in the promotion of the entrepreneurial skills among universities. It will be responsible for the engagement of business partners once the REPs have been established in UZ and for the finding of new financial opportunities for the establishment of the STPs. As all UZ partners from industrial sector, CCIRU will collaborate in the Needs Analysis and the identification of Knowledge Triangle actors. CCIRU will contribute to the development of the training course and support the coordinator in the management issues and in the dissemination of the project results at local, regional and international level. TEMPUS experience.
P7 – RDNCUB, Regional Department of NC of Uzbektourism Bukhara Branch RDNCUB will mainly collaborate with other Uzbek partners in order to create the framework to bring together the three pillar of the knowledge triangle and establish regional innovation systems. In particular, it will be in charge of the development of business and innovation support services for the creation of STPs. As all UZ partners from industrial sector, RDNCUB will collaborate in the Needs Analysis and the identification of Knowledge Triangle actors. RDNCUB it will contribute to the development of the training course and participate in the mobility programme in EU partner countries. Finally, it will support the coordinator in the management issues and disseminate the project results at local, regional and international level.
P8 – ECBIB, Educational Center Business Incubator of Bukhara P8 will bring its expertise in the consortium as centre business Incubator and representative of the business sector. In line with its mission of creating favourable conditions for the promotion of business opportunities in UZ, it will actively participate in the process of establishment of 3 REPs among the 3 partner regions providing direct contacts with actors from business world. As all UZ partners from industrial sector, ECBIB will collaborate in the Needs Analysis and the identification of Knowledge Triangle actors. ECBIB will contribute to the development of the training course and participate in the mobility programme in EU partner countries. Finally, it will support the coordinator in the management issues and disseminate the project results at local, regional and international level.
P9 – ETFPS, Research and Production Company “Express-Technolog” DPS, Bukhara ETFPS is a research company that will offer its expertise in the development of innovative and advanced technology for the creation of the e-learning platform that will host the Modules during and beyond the training programme period under WP2 together with CE. ETFPS will collaborate in the Needs Analysis with universities and in the identification of Knowledge Triangle actors for the delivery of the 3 regional maps and the contact database. It will contribute to the development of the training course’s content and be involved in the internazionalization activities of the REPs. Finally, it will support the coordinator in the management issues and disseminate the project results at local, regional and international level.
P10 – KTP, Kielce Technology Park KTP combines effectively its mission for the convergence of both scientific and business sectors with the goals of the MATcHES project. By offering business and development services to universities (i.e. advice on technology transfer, funding opportunities for development, marketing audits, ect.), it will chiefly contribute in the establishment of KTOs in UZ and the planning for the creation of STPs under WP4. As EU partner, it will participate in the collection of best practices in WP1 and delivery of a Model for regional innovation systems. It will develop the content of the training programme together with EU universities and it will also host managers and professors during the mobility programme with the possibility to visit its Technology Incubator and Technology Centre. Give support to the coordinator in the management issues and dissemination.
P11 – JKU, Jan Kochanowski University JKU is WP5 leader thus in charge of the quality control and monitoring. It will work closely with the coordinator and the regional coordinators in order to ensure the development of a high quality control and monitoring Strategy. It will participate in the collection of best practices in WP1 and delivery of a Model for regional innovation systems as well as in the development of the content of the training programme together with other EU universities. JKU will be a promoter of the dialogue with the society and during the mobility programme will receive staff from UZ and share with them their experience in the management of support services and in the delivery of Phd courses. JKU will be engaged in the task related to the internationalization activities under WP3. Experience in TEMPUS. Give support to the coordinator in the management issues and dissemination.
P12 – ULPGC, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ULPGC will contribute to all WPs with special attention to the collection of best practices in EU countries and the design and delivery of the training programme especially in terms of content and modules. ULPGC will be also hosting teaching staff from UZ universities. ULPGC will be a promoter of the dialogue with the society and during the mobility programme will show to Uzbek partners how to manage PhD courses and other structures in the university-business cooperation process. Give support to the coordinator in the management issues and dissemination. Experience in TEMPUS.
P13 – CE, Consulta Europa Consulta Europa will bring into the consortium their experience in supporting universities in the design of their knowledge transfer strategies and in the development of international research and innovation projects. CE be WP6 leader coordinating the dissemination and raising awareness activities and will be responsible for the creation and updating of the MATcHES website. CE is responsible for the development and maintenance of the e-learning platform under WP2. CE will help EU universities in the collection of best practices and launch the public consultation together with P5 under the WP1 while it will be actively involved in the internationalization activities of the REPs under WP3. Give support to the coordinator in the management issues and dissemination. Experience in TEMPUS.