Objective: By the end of the hour I will have created a science journal using the Cornell note taking method and learned how to use my new journal as a tool and resource.
Journaling in Science for Students Includes information adapted from NSTA
Setting It UP
Step 1:Create a Cover MS. Sobek
Step 2: Gems of Wisdom Gems of Wisdom 1 st six weeks: Scientific Method Ask a question Form a hypothesis Do an experiment Analyze the results Draw a conclusion Communicate findings 2nd six weeks: 3rd six weeks:4th six weeks:
Step 3: Table of Contents Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab PageGrade
Step 4: Number your pages DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab PageGrade Table of Contents 1 2 Number front and back of the first 15 pages.
Cornell Note Taking Model
In: Out: Recall Through Summary
Journal & Note TakingIN: Objective What am I learning about? (TEKS) How do I know I am successful/ or learning? (objective) How will I show I am successful? (language objective)
By the end of the hour I will have created a science journal using the Cornell note taking method and learned 4 journaling strategies to use in my classroom.
Out: Summarize what I have learned Write a letter to “Fred” and tell him what you did Explain the concept in your own words
Through: Write important facts/ notes If the teacher takes time to put it on the board you should put it in your notes Draw pictures to help you remember
Recall: List the main ideas of the lesson
In: Out: Recall Through Summary Objective _________________________ _________________________ I am learning TEKS I am successful if I am ______ I will show I am successful by _________________________ Language Objective _________________________ _________________________ Homework Important Equations Vocabulary cards/ manipulatives Write/Draw important facts. How do you know it’s important? The teacher will write it on the board The teacher will say so It is interesting to you You do not understand it You know you will not remember it later; ex. Formulas, symbols, or important figures 1)Main ideas 2)Number them 3)You will write these after you write your notes Write at least 2 sentences to explain what you have learned.
Journaling in the Science Classroom Elaine Howard Includes information adapted from NSTA