Engaging All Students in “Presumed Competence” for Exemplary Results
Linda Wise Chief Academic Officer
Systemic Expectations Know your students and the differentiated supports in place to ensure their success Ensure students receive exemplary instruction that prepares them for college and careers Have a process in place for continuously monitoring student progress Develop a relationship with students and their families
Today’s Outcomes: Increase awareness of presumed competence for all students Explore the seven tenets of presumed competence that will be applied in HCPSS Make connections between the work of presumed competence and our systemic expectations Enhance relationships between and among DOI Colleagues.
We Honor Centennial High School
We Honor Our Principals
We Welcome Mary Weller Secondary Science Coordinator
Patricia Daley Director of Special Education
Engaging All Leaders in Presumed Competence for Exemplary Results
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“If we’re serious about providing equal access to all of America’s students, then we must do everything in our power to provide equal educational opportunities from day one.” -Kati Haycock
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Dr. Paula Kluth
Patricia Daley Director of Special Education
Engaging All Leaders in Presumed Competence for Exemplary Results
Linda Wise Chief Academic Officer
Leadership I and II Wiki
“We must ensure that all students, not just some, have access to highly- effective teachers and a challenging curriculum. This is something that we can and must do now.” -Kati Haycock
Engaging All Students in “Presumed Competence” for Exemplary Results