Infiltration February __, 2010
Infiltration Most _____________ that reaches Earth’s surface ____________ the ground. Infiltration can occur if the ground is ______________ (allows water to pass through) and ______________. precipitation infiltrates permeable unsaturated
Infiltration Cont… __________, which is the hard, unbroken part of Earth’s surface, allows very little ____________. Most infiltration occurs in _________, the thin layer of rock, sand, gravel, and soil lying on top of the __________. Bedrock infiltration regolith bedrock
Slope of the Land As slope (gradient) increases, infiltration _________. Slope (Gradient) Infiltration decreases
Slope of the Land As slope (gradient) decreases, infiltration _________. Slope (Gradient) Infiltration increases
Saturation of Land As saturation increases, infiltration _________. Saturation Infiltration decreases
Saturation of Land As saturation decreases, infiltration _________. Saturation Infiltration increases
The interface between the zone of _________ and the zone of saturation is the ________________. The subsurface water below the water table is called _______________. ground water water table aeration
Porosity The ___________ of open space in a material. __________ – Rounded particles have greater porosity than __________ particles. percentage Shape angular
Porosity Cont… __________ – The more closely packed the particles, the ________ the porosity. lower Packing
Porosity Cont… _________ – The more unsorted the particles, the _____ porosity. less Sorting
Porosity of soil or material will be the same if: 1.Same volume 2.Same shape (well sorted) 3.Same packing Small Pores: LotsLarge Pores: Few
Permeability (Infiltration) The ________ the particle size, the ________ the infiltration. larger faster
Capillarity The ability of water to move ________ through soil. Extremely important for supplying water to plants when the soil is not saturated with water. upward
Capillarity As particle size increases, capillarity _________. Particle Size Capillarity decreases
Capillarity As particle size decreases, capillarity _________. Particle Size Capillarity increases
Vegetation Plants, grasses, and trees ________ precipitation, _________ it from entering the ground, which allows more time for ___________ to occur. absorb slowing infiltration
Vegetation As vegetation increases, infiltration _________. Vegetation Infiltration increases
Vegetation As vegetation decreases, infiltration _________. Vegetation Infiltration decreases
Land Use by People Roads, parking lots, buildings, etc. will _________ the amount of infiltration and ________ the amount of _______. reduce increaserunoff
Factors Affecting Runoff/Stream Discharge Rate of __________ exceeds permeability rate (_________ Rate). Pore space is _________ with water. Slope (________) is too great to allow infiltration. Surface water has not ___________ or __________. precipitation Infiltration saturated gradient evaporated sublimated
Stream Discharge The amount of water flowing past a certain spot in a stream in a certain amount of time. Most runoff gets flows into _________, which carry water back to the ________. streams oceans
Runoff vs. Stream Discharge As runoff increases, stream discharge _________. Runoff Stream Discharge increases
Runoff vs. Stream Discharge As runoff decreases, stream discharge _________. Runoff Stream Discharge decreases