Seizing opportunities housing and prevention Amanda Britain Lead for Housing, JIT
Four Pillars of Public Service Reform 1.Decisive shift towards prevention 2.Greater integration of public services at a local level driven by better partnership, collaboration and effective local delivery 3.Greater investment in the people who deliver services through enhanced workforce development and effective leadership; and 4.A sharp focus on improving performance, through greater transparency, innovation and use of digital technology.
Public service reform Outcomes Prevention Integration & Partnership Person-centred outcomes Assets-based Workforce development & leadership Performance improvement Values-driven Key Reform Programmes Health & Social Care Integration Review of Community Planning +2 others Enabling Programmes Older people’s services programme Reshaping Care for Older People +3 others Reinforcing Programmes Housing & older peopleHomelessness prevention Developing markets for third sector providers + 13 others
Reshaping care outcomes 1.A philosophy of co-production embedded as mainstream practice 2.All care and support providing personalised care based on outcomes/goals 3.Services focused on prevention 4.More older people living in housing which helps maintain their independence; 5.Community support for older people enlisted and mobilised 6.A readily accessible, comprehensive information, advice and support resource 7.Public sector resources available to jointly fund any agreed aspect of care 8.Clear and agreed care pathways for all older people 9.Community based support for end of life care 10.An infrastructure designed to facilitate and sustain the changes and outcomes
Housing’s contribution to supporting independent living 5 areas for improvement 1.Clear strategic leadership 2.Information and advice 3.Better use of existing housing 4.Preventative support services 5.New build housing
Housing support services Handyperson services Care & Repair Social networks Community Support the housing sector’s contribution to the development and delivery of preventative services
Recommendations from Preventative Support Working Group Yvette Burgess Unit Director Housing Support Enabling Unit
Gathering evidence Concerns that contribution which housing related services makes to better outcomes is not understood Recommendation that the Scottish Government promotes alternative forms of measurement for preventative support services – but it must be proportionate so as not to create burden for smaller services
Housing Options Approach Helping people to look ahead and make decisions about their housing situation Focus on early intervention as in the case of homelessness Important to identify when appropriate to prompt a person to consider options
Strategic planning Local Housing Strategies should be developed further by the Scottish Government Integrated planning of health and social care should involve housing should acknowledge the contribution of housing / related services should focus on skills, expertise and other assets of local communities
Community development clauses Recommendation that contracts deliver greater benefits than those of the core service These are becoming common in building projects eg requirement to offer apprenticeship places, but less so in support services Scottish Government called on to create demonstrator project within preventative support service
Care and Repair Currently services in 31 / 32 local authority areas Less grant funding now and greater competition Care and Repair Scotland called on to create new guidance on funding arrangements
Charging Likely that more local authorities will increasingly expect individuals to contribute to the cost of serivces due to increasing pressure on budgets Personalisation of social care funding will mean that individuals will be purchasing services rather than LA directly Sector needs to understand more about what older people and those with disabilities want pay for and feel able to pay for
Discussion Housing and housing support have a key role to play in shifting the focus from acute and long stay care to helping people remain at home. What can you do to contribute towards the recommendations? What do you think needs to be done at a strategic level?