Today, teens are easily exposed to explicit content in movies Parents allow their teens to watch inappropriate movies, such as R-rated Sometimes parents do not know what children are watching, whether its on television or in movie theaters Read the parental guide for movies on common sense media before watching a movie- Directors need to be more strict with ratings Movies can shape a teens personality and their morals for how they grow up Purpose of the paper- to find out if such movies with explicit content influences teens to try such actions seen in a movie Are movies the new thinking?
Smoking Alcohol Use Language Violence
Smoking in Movies: Impact on Adolescent Smoking The Theory Teens may smoke because they feel the need to imitate what the media has to offer Their favorite actors and actresses are their role models The Study First approach- Teens are asked who their favorite actors are and the actor’s smoking status- inaccurate Second approach-Use a list of 50 movie titles that have smoking in them and see what movies the teens watch- how much exposure they have
Teens that never smoked are 1.4 more times likely to try smoking in the next four years It depends on how much movie smoking the actor they had chosen done, which made it a bit inaccurate If teens that never smoked have little exposure to movie smoking, they are less likely to smoke Girls would smoke from movies with their favorite stars and boys would smoke because of tobacco campaigns in movies Solution- make anti-tobacco advertisements in movies and show long-term effects of smoking to stop teens Teens are more likely to smoke in the future with smoking in movies they watch and if previews have smoking, it could affect teens Make smoking in R-rated movies only
Alcohol Use in Motion Pictures and Its Relation with Early-Onset Teen Drinking The Theory Early drinking can result in long-term drinking, abuse, accidents, getting into fights G-rated movies have alcohol use The Study Survey of 4,655 teens to see how many tried drinking Choose from a list of 50 movie titles that have alcohol use- how many they saw Calculated the total on-screen drinking time in each movie
92 percent of movies in the sample had drinking with a 2.5 minute alcohol use 23 percent of the teens tried alcohol 14.8 percent tried alcohol in a follow up meeting Besides movies, other risk factors- parenting styles, school performance, experimenting Varies depending on the exposure from one person to another Exposed to alcohol early in their teen years=more likely to continue drinking throughout their life If teens smoke, they are also likely to try drinking and drugs
SWEARING IN THE CINEMA An analysis of profanity in US teen-oriented movies, 1980–2006 The Theory More profanity is being heard by teens today so want to see if teen characters in movies influence this The Study No rated R movies are looked at Most popular PG and PG-13 movies- top box office The profanity use of characters are documented Dirty, sexual, and excretory words are divided into categories
Teens are in more situations where bad language is used compared to when adults curse in teen movies Teens that are males use the most profanity Top results used in these movies are the mild category followed by the seven dirty words category There is a slight decrease in the use of dirty and excretory words over the years A decrease in the use of profanity in teen movies over the years Teens may not be affected by the use of bad language in movies But more aware of the sexual words that are out there Supposed to be age-appropriate movies
Exposure of US Adolescents to Extremely Violent Movies The Theory See if aggressive thoughts and behaviors in teens are caused by movies The Study A random digit-dial survey conducted Only rated R movies- how many have seen the ones on the list Scary Movie, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Blade, Bride of Chucky, Hollow Man, Blade II, Scream 3, Training Day
40 violent movies within the list Those movies are seen by 12.5 percent of 22 million teens Scary Movie is seen by 1 million that are 10 year olds There is more of an exposure to violent movies if there is a television in their bedroom Parents should not allow them to watch R-rated movies Exposure of graphic violence in movies that are rated R Raises questions for the movie-rating system Movies with violence are also PG-13, such as Fast and Furious and World War Z
What a person thinks is right to do is from observing others People look at a media model that is in same situation- same age, etc. more likely to try what they do on-screen in real life A person tries something new not because they want to but because their peers are doing it, so they feel they have to try it, too Begins to have a new behavior and change from this one instance People disregard self-regulation and function through other things, such as the media or other’s experiences This can reflect on how some people could possibly change their morals for seeing the world
The theory examines the long-term effects of television has on people People that spend more time watching television, the more likely television can affect people’s attitudes and behaviors Television offers messages to the public by shaping how they socialize with others and their beliefs It leaves people with a misperception of what is true in our world