All About Me By Aubrey R. Burdell-Hunt-Magnet-Elementary 3 rd Grade Ms.Barkemeyer’s Class
All about Me My name is Aubrey. I am a Jr because I’m named after my dad. I live in the state of Georgia my city is Macon. My dad, mom sister, brother, and I live in the same house. I was born May 19. I have swag and style. I love to do extreme things. I like to Watch the walking dead with my dad. Gold is my favorite color. Everything I see gold I want it. My nickname is aj. It stands for Aubrey Jr. My best friend is Bryant. Isiah and qua and Renardo my friends to. My favorite wwe person are John cena.
My Favorites My favorite t.v. shows are WWE YOU GOT SEVERED Fast and Furious Walking dead Ride along My foods are favorite Pizza Hamburger chicken Popcorn nuggets My favorite wrestlers John cena Roman rings Sheamus Big show Dean ambrose Batista Big e Langston Kofi Kingston Rey misteryo Sin cara Daniel Bryan My Favorite divas are Nikie Bella Brie BELLA NAMIO
My Family I have 3 sisters 6 brothers 1 mother I have 1 step dad. They are be loved family. We get along very well. We live in the same house. We watch the same shows. We watch movies with popcorn. We love the movie ride along. We like to eat pizza.