Central Asian Practitioners’ Conference on Advancement of Sustainable Pasture Management,November 17-19, Rahimov Sharofjon Tohirovich
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 2 Natural pastures of Tajikistan include the geographically nonhomogeneous territory, characterized by exceptional degree of diversity. There live several ethnical groups of population at this territory and pastures are the main means of their existence The main part of natural pastures is situated in mountainous areas and it has strategically important role for the livestock sector development.
Currently, there are lots of livestock owners, usually, owners of small flocks, which are no longer able to send their cattle to summer pastures. They would rather let their flocks to graze within 3-5 km, as they can not afford to buy hay or feed concentrates in the stall. This situation has led to an intensive, year-round overgrazing traditional spring/autumn pastures, as those are winter grazing pastures.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 5 Most of the issues and difficulties of pasture sectors initially incorporated into the existing system, and their range includes many outstanding issues as institutional, improvement of productivity, preventing existing degradation, rational management and use of biodiversity and the challenges of a wider nature, covering questions of geography and environment. And only the successful solution of the whole complex of above mentioned issues is the key to sustainable development of the sector of pastures.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 6 Limited resources and potential at the regional and local level, also limitation of institutional support, is an obstacle for the development of opportunities of agricultural population. Experience, obtained at the other countries, as, China and E Ethiopia, at the sphere of management of natural resources has proved that, transformation of institutional processes may be much more effective means, than formal compliance of legal rules, especially in those countries, whose governments are limited in their capabilities and financial resources.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 7 Tajikistan is among the countries with the transition from centralized control to a market economy In such situations required a reasonable combination of technological innovation, capacity building of institutional development and policy, conducting legislative reforms and creation of much more favorable financial and socio- economic conditions.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 8 development of sectoral evaluation; adoption of the RT law«On pastures»
The broad vision of pasture sector is set out in the sectoral evaluation as follows: The system of economic activities with the use of pastures resources with the aim of long-term conservation and development through joint investment policy, carried out with the direct participation of the rural community, with the support of the Government of Republic of Tajikistan
Sectoral assessment contains : Introduction, general information, methodology and scope of research– part А A clear overview and synthesis of the current state of rangelands - Part B; The vision of a sustainable economy of rangelands - part С, section C.1; Review of strategies and options for the development of composite subsectors, institutions and Government, which together can influence the situation with rangelands, part С, section С.2.
Sectoral assessment contains : Initial action plans and programs for the indicative priorities of the Government- part С, section С.3. Initial investment plan (Part C, Section C.4), which is to begin implementation of a coordinated program of support for the sustainable development and conservation of rangelands in Tajikistan.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 12 The law was adopted on March 19, 2013 Law regulates social relations associated with the use of pastures. Law consists of 5 chapters and 30 articles General provision The powers of the executive bodies of state authority in the regulation of relations connected with pastures The use of pastures State regulation of pastures and their use Final provisions
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 13 how to '' mitigate '' the transitional period, during which the need to develop effective practical steps that would help : -Implementation of aims and tasks of Law «On pastures»; - improvement of management and using of pastures; - decrease land degradation level; - increasing the yield of pastures and irrigated forage crops, animal productivity, -And to improve the situation in common.
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г.14 Solving these problems is associated with several questions: Question 1. Whether positively perceived changes that have occurred over the past decade, those households which have significant access to public funds to support? Question 2. With more reliable land use rights, whether these households are taking any active steps in order to invest more funds in '' their '' land to ensure more sustainable development, taking into account both the economic situation, and climate change?
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 15 Question 3. Can other households perceive positive reaction to such land use rights, which would provide their long economical security? Question 4. Are long-term land use rights connected with the increasing of investment с with the improvement aim and maintaining the quality of the soil, improvement water systems and other methods of sustainable land use?
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 16 Question 5. Are more reliable land use rights connected with the increasing the level of income of agricultural production and the use of land use practices including management of natural resources such as soil and water новых методов землепользования включая управление такими природными ресурсами, как почва и вода? Question 6. Are female-headed households are more promising, and whether they accept solutions that promote sustainable land use?
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 17 Answers to all of these questions depend on: How well do we understand the processes occurring in the field of institutional policies and the development of legal and regulatory framework The need for reform in the field of development policy and legislative base industry Carrying out targeted work with rural communities for identifying: - Possible plans in land management, and in the introduction of new or adapted technologies - The best "entry points" for the implementation of the adopted programs
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 18 Demonstration of best practice, including creation of pasture users groups,associations and other initiative at the village levels, jamoats Interaction with the authorities at all levels to implement the reforms and the introduction of new management systems and the use of pasture-based rural communities for livestock development and economic well-being of the population And we are doing all of these!
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 19 In the current political and socio-economic conditions, consolidation of land use rights on the basis of the household is considered as a crucial factor in ensuring sustainable management of natural resources and the preparation of the rural population to the need to counter the negative realities associated with the acceleration of the process of land degradation and climate change
Практическая Конференция по продвижению устойчивого управления пастбищами в Центральной Азии, ноября 2014 г. 20 It is necessary to find answers to a answers to a number of key issues and try thus to shed light on the existing structure of economic activity, as well as the reasons for the vulnerability of the rural population of Tajikistan and capacity building in rural communities to overcome the current difficulties:
Solution of all above mentioned issues requires : The establishment of an inter-ministerial committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister to coordinate national action in the management of pasture sector of the economy, as well as in mobilizing investment program management for pasture sectors. Development of mechanisms for the implementation of the Law "On pastures“ General Development of the National Plan of management, use and improvement of pastures, as well as community pasture management plans locally Creating of a Pasture Trest on the basis of МA RT to establish «Department of Tajikistan Pastures»
Central Asian Practitioners’ Conference on Advancement of Sustainable Pasture Management,November 17-19,