R&J ACT IV, VERBS, AND VERB PHRASES Day 6- Foundations/English I
Objectives 1. Analyze Shakespearean language for connotation and denotation of phrases. 2. Review verbs and verb phrases. 3. Determine the connotative meaning of words as they are used in a text; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. Homework: Choosing the right word and Synonyms Quiz- Friday Verbs/Verb Phrases(some have Helping verbs)
Warm up ◦ Instructions: What are the verb phrases in these sentences? Label subjects, verbs, prep phrases, and cross out adverbs. 1. You are going to Seattle tomorrow in the morning. 2. You have been resting too much at the workplace.. 3. We must be extremely early.
Vocabulary time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will get into the groups and complete the lesson. Have your flashcards out so I can check.
Verb practice!!!!!! 1. The fans were eager for a win. 2. The purpose of the experiment was not clear to us. 3. Some of the council members were angry about the tax proposal. 4. Like my mother, I am an ardent music lover. 5. Both candidates were being optimistic throughout the day. 6. This colorful poster is suitable for a picture frame. 7. The student should have been on time. 8. The quiz will be this week. 9. The surf had been rough in the evening. 10. Eric will have been the champion bicyclist for seven years.
B. Underline the verb and identify as either action or linking in the blank. Use the “am, is, are” test. 1. The patient looks better today.____________________ 2. The patient looks at a magazine.___________________ 3. The child tastes the lemonade._____________________ 4. The lemonade tastes sour.________________________ 5. The police sounded the alarm._____________________ 6. The alarm sounded loud.__________________________ 7. The old barn smelled musty._______________________ 8. The farmer smelled the barn._______________________
1. Helena is our new president. 2. Both candidates were certain of victory. 3. The patient was a man with great courage. 4. I am nervous about the interview. 5. The play was a huge success. 6. The Hohmans are our new neighbors. 7. The governor is always considerate of her staff. 8. The press was critical of the mayor’s plan. 9. I am always the last person in line. 10. The score was lopsided almost from the kick-off. 11. The campers should have been afraid of the bears. 12. Darlene could be Donna’s twin sister. 13. You must have been thrilled at the news. 14. The children were being extremely rude to the new student. 15. The error must have been serious.
R&J Act IV ◦ Complete the study guide for Act IV ◦ Look up the definitions. ◦ Act IV study guide is due when we finish the Act. ◦ Make sure you have all questions answered up to the reading we have completed.
Today you will Partner read. Sit with your partner. Read and annotate. Look up words that are confusing. Friday we began Scene I Yesterday we finished with Scene 2 (70-72) Today you should read Scene III (72-73) After you finish reading complete your worksheets. You may come to the front for help if you and your partner have tried together to understand what is happening in Romeo and Juliet.
Closure 3, 2, 1 ◦ Write three things you learned about verb phrases ◦ Write two rules you need to follow to identify the phrases correctly. ◦ Write one question you still have about Romeo and Juliet.