By Grammar Warm-Ups 2 nd 6 Weeks Phrases *Participial Phrases *Gerunds *Prepositional Phrases *Infinitive Phrases
Warm-Up #3 Participles Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Participles: verb forms that act like adjectives; they usually end in either “ing” or “ed” EX: Scared, the kids ran out of the abandoned haunted house. EX: Glenn’s shining eyes betrayed his fear. EX: Having escaped, the teens went home to eat candy and watch movies.
Warm-Up #3 Participles Practice Directions: Identify the participle in each sentence. 1. Confused, Fatima returned to her interrupted work. 2. The hard-working teacher helped Javier with his essay. 3. Having understood, the student was able to write his conclusion paragraph.
Warm-Up #4 Participles Practice KEY Directions: Identify the participial phrase in each sentence 1. Confused, Fatima returned to her interrupted work. 2. The hard-working teacher helped Javier with his essay. 3. Having understood, the student was able to write his conclusion paragraph.
Warm-Up #4 Participial Phrases Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Participial Phrases: verb phrases that act like adjectives; they usually end in either “ing” or “ed” EX: There is Viviana, waiting for her ride. EX: Traveling at breakneck speed, we completed the trip in two hours. EX: The trip depicted on her Facebook wall is the best one we ever took.
Warm-Up #4 Participial Phrase Practice Directions: Identify the participial phrase in each sentence. 1. Excited by the flashing lights, the dog began to bark. 2. The tree growing beside the back door is a maple. 3. They boarded the bus packed with tourists.
Warm-Up #4 Participial Phrases KEY Directions: Identify the participial phrase in each sentence 1. Excited by the flashing lights, the dog began to bark. 2. The tree growing beside the back door is a maple. 3. They boarded the bus packed with tourists.
Warm-Up #5 Combining Sentences Use participial phrases to improve sentence variety. Simple Sentences: We ate sandwiches. We shared stories about our adventure. Combined Sentences with a participial phrase: Eating sandwiches, we shared stories about our adventure. Simple Sentences: The mural was painted in It is the one that needs the most needs the most repair. Combined Sentences with a participial phrase: The mural painted in 1497 is the one that needs the most repair.
Warm-Up #5 Combining Sentences Using Participial Phrases Practice Directions: Combine the simple sentences by creating a participial phrase. 1. We were exhausted by the climb up Mont Blanc. We rested by the side of the trail. Combined Sentence: 2. We found a bike at a garage sale. The bike was in good shape. Combined Sentence:
Warm-Up #5 Combining Sentences Practice KEY Directions: Combine the simple sentences by creating a participial phrase. 1. We were exhausted by the climb up Mont Blanc. We rested by the side of the trail. Combined Sentence: Exhausted by the climb up Mont Blanc, we rested by the side of the trail. 2. We found a bike at a garage sale. The bike was in good shape. Combined Sentence: Found at a garage sale, the bike was in good shape.
Warm-Up #6 Gerunds Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Gerunds: verb form that ends in “-ing” and acts like a noun EX: My dad’s favorite activity is eating. EX: This Italian food makes dining a pleasure. EX: Daniel’s favorite sport, speed eating, is impressive. EX: We get grossed out by his chewing.
Warm-Up #6 Gerund Practice Directions: Identify the gerund in each sentence 1. Ms. Young’s leadership gives teaching a new motivation. 2. My sister’s snoring woke me up. 3. Yawning is contagious.
Warm-Up #6 Gerund Practice KEY Directions: Identify the gerund in each sentence 1. Ms. Young’s leadership gives teaching a new motivation. 2. My sister’s snoring woke me up. 3. Yawning is contagious.
Warm-Up #7 Gerund Phrases Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Gerund Phrase: gerund + modifier/complement; still acts as a noun EX: Answering quickly is not always a good idea. EX: Texas A&M prohibits walking on the grass at the MSC. EX: The English teacher tried giving her students feedback on their essays.
Warm-Up #7 Gerund Phrase Practice Directions: Identify the gerund phrase in each sentence 1. Driving through Texas will be the longest part of most vacations. 2. Halley was awarded a ticket after speeding down the road. 3. Cameron put Carlos in jail for texting in a school zone. m
Warm-Up #7 Gerund Phrase Practice KEY Directions: Identify the gerund phrase in each sentence 1. Driving through Texas will be the longest part of most vacations. 2. Halley was awarded a ticket after speeding down the road. 3. Cameron’s hobby, texting while driving, is dangerous. m
Warm-Up #8 Infinitive Phrases Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Infinitive Phrase: is usually preceded by “to”; acts as a noun, an adjective, or adverb. EX: To understand life requires maturity and acceptance. EX: The soldier’s only hope was to surrender. EX: The students showed a willingness to cooperate. EX: Some people were unable to fight.
Warm-Up #8 Infinitive Phrase Practice Directions: Identify the infinitive phrase in each sentence. 1. The students decided to rebel. 2. To finish a marathon is a daunting goal. 3. The athletes showed they had the endurance to win.
Warm-Up #8 Infinitive Practice KEY Directions: Identify the infinitive phrase in each sentence 1. The students decided to rebel. 2. To finish a marathon is a daunting goal. 3. The athletes showed they had the endurance to win.
Warm-Up #8 Infinitive Phrases Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Infinitive Phrase: consists of an infinitive and its modifiers, all acting as a single part of speech EX: Juanita’s family likes to plan ahead. EX: I want her to determine her own goals. EX: To study in a desk is not easy.
Warm-Up #9 Prepositional Phrases Directions: Please copy the definitions and examples below. Prepositional Phrase: ends with a noun or pronoun that acts as the object of the preposition; functions as an adjective or adverb EX: With the wind and the freezing rain surrounding them, the Colts defeated Lamar. EX: Over their heads, the thunder rolled in from the south.
Warm-Up #9 Prepositional Phrase Practice Directions: Identify the infinitive phrase in each sentence. 1. Between the washer and dryer you could find a dollar in loose change. 2. The space underneath the dryer is only about a quarter inch tall. 3. Why do socks always get lost inside the washer?
Warm-Up #9 Prepositional Phrase Practice KEY Directions: Identify the infinitive phrase in each sentence. 1. Between the washer and dryer you could find a dollar in loose change. 2. The space underneath the dryer is only about a quarter inch tall. 3. Why do socks always get lost inside the washer?