Strategic Planning 2013 Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network
Welcome Introductions Quality of Life Barrier Reduction Fund Review Ground Rules Why Strategic Planning? Brief History Policies and Procedures Review: Terms of Reference and Succession Plan Policy Network and Working Groups Format Discussion Revise SWOT, Environmental Scan, Needs Assessment Funding Service Priorities Who Is Missing From The Table? Working Groups: Projects AGENDA
Quality of Life Barrier Reduction Fund
Please play with your cell phone and make sure you do not turn it off! If you disagree with each other’s comments, ideas, and suggestions let them know! Do not express your ideas! Some ideas are bad ideas! Time is limited, but take as long as you want to express yourself! If we did it in the past it probably won’t work in the future! The Ground Rules
Brings clarity and agreement on our Mission and Goals. Helps us prepare for the future. Helps us to anticipate and manage change. Provides an opportunity to recommit to the cause. Educates members about our history. Identifies existing strengths and weaknesses. Reinforces the need to commit to continuous improvement. Why Strategic Planning?
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network: Journey Through The Years
What Did We Accomplish Over The Past Year? Agency Supports and Services Working Groups Network Provincially
Frustrating: Prevent (a plan or attempted action) from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled: "his attempt to frustrate the merger". Prevent (someone) from doing or achieving something.
Policy and Procedure Review Terms of Reference Succession Plan Policy and Procedure Review Terms of Reference Succession Plan
Network and Working Group Format
Needs Assessment
Environmental Scan The Network Economic Technological DemographicCultural Provincial
High Priority Service Needs Other Priority Needs High Priority Service Needs Other Priority Needs Funding Service Priorities
Who Is Missing From The Table?
Working Group Break Out Session: What Goals You Prioritizing? What Projects Are You Developing?