List at least three decisions in each section, and then answer the questions. 1. What types of decisions do your parents or guardians make for you? What types of decisions do you make for yourself? What types of decisions do you make together? 2. Why are some decisions shared while others are not? 3. What are the benefits of making decisions this way? What are the drawbacks? 4 How do you think this system of making decisions is similar to the way power flows between national and state governments?
Separation of Powers vs Federalism A. Do not use the term “separation” when you think of divisions of power between the national government and the states. B. Federalism is a constitutional arrangement in which power is distributed between a central government and sub divisional governments, called states in the U. S. The national and sub divisional governments both exercise direct authority over individuals.
Compare / Contrast Alternative types of Federalism Unitary People National Government Sub-division Sub-division Sub-division Confederacy People People People Sub-division Sub-division Sub-division National Government List Three Advantages and Disadvantages of each
Draw a diagram of American Federalism and Explain the terms: Implied and Expressed vs Inherent Powers vs Reserved Powers try to incorporate them in your diagram
KUEE (Know, Understand and be able to Explain with and Explanation Duel Federalism – view the Constituion as giving a limited list of powers – primarily foreign policy and national defense – to the national gvt, leaving the rest to sovereign states. Cooperative Federalism – stresses federalism as a system of intergovernmental relationships in delivering governmental goods and services to the people and calls for cooperation among various levels of government. Marble Cake Federalism – conceives of federalism as a mixed set of responsibilities in which all levels of government are engaged in a variety of issues and programs, rather than a layer cake (duel federalism) with fixed divisions between layers or levels of government. Competitive Federalism – view the national government, the 50 states, and the thousands of local governments as competing with each other over ways to put together packages of services and taxes. Permissive Federalism – implies that, although federalism provides “a sharing of power and authority between the national and state government, the states’ share rests on the permission and permissiveness of the national government. New Federalism – championed by former presidents Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Regan, presumes that the power of the federal government is limited in favor of the broad powers reserved to the states.
Constitutional Structure of American Federalism A. Powers of the National Government 1. Delegated Powers – 2. Implied Powers – 3. Necessary and Proper Clause – 4. Expressed Powers – 5. Inherent Powers – B. The National Supremacy Article (Article IV) – C. The War Power – National Governments ability to wage war and protect citizens. (No-Fly Zones etc) D. Commerce Clause – Congress can regulate any and all commerce that affects more than one state. (virtually all) 1. Gibbons vs Ogden 1824 – Established the National government regulates interstate commerce and all intercourse among the states.
E. The Power to Tax and Spend 1. Ability to raise taxes and spend money on the general welfare of the people 2. Grants – With conditions – 3. Mandates – Funded vs Unfunded Powers of the States A. Reserve Powers – B. Concurrent Powers – C. List some limits provided by the Constitution on both State and National government Interstate Relationships A. Full Faith and Credit Clause – B. Interstate Privileges and Immunities – C. Extradition -
D. Interstate Compacts – Agreement between one or more states to resolve conflicts, etc Must be approved by Congress The National Courts and Federalism A. McCulloch vs Maryland 1819 – B. 14 th Amendment – forbids states to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process and may not deny any person the equal protection of the laws. (Civil Rights) C. Preemption – National Budget as a Tool of Federalism A. Grants 1. Categorical-Formula Grant – distributed based on population and often done on a matching bases. Medicaid is an example and must be spent exactly as stated. 2. Project Grants – special projects i.e. highway construction, job training, etc 3. Block Grants – broad grants for specific activities i.e. public assistance, child care, education, social services etc.
Politics of Federalism Growth of the National Government – Why / How has it grown since the birth of our nation? Why now are we trying to cut some of the scope and spending of the government?