Negotiation In Project Management and 20 Points for Success as a Leader David S Maurer, PMP Lieutenant Colonel, USA (Ret.) VP Programs, PMIWDC PMI Southern Maryland 14 November 2007
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 2 Why Negotiate? Dictating is so much faster! Buy-in Mutual Gain Achieve more together than separately “All boats rise” Fairness Terrell Owens – what did you do to my Eagles?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 3 Objectives Overview of powerful skills Provide some tools you can use today Strengthen our ability to effectively prepare for difficult conversations with project members Improve our ability to manage and resolve conflict Broaden our ability to prepare for performance discussions/milestone evaluations and reports
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 4 Background The THEORY – Interest-Based Negotiation Professors William Ury and Roger Fisher developed Interest-Based Negotiation (IBN) which focuses on developing Win/Win solutions The TOOL – The Negotiation Planning Structure Breaks down elements of complex negotiations into manageable components Helps organize thinking – adds structure Helps to better understand, prepare, conduct and evaluate negotiations of all types The BOOK – Getting to Yes. Negotiating Agreements without Giving In
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 5 Skills that cut across all lines… (where does this apply)? Couples Families Employees and Supervisors Project Teammates Customers and Colleagues Business People Neighbors Sales People Lawyers Non-Profit Organizations Students and Professors Nations
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 6 Positional Bargaining versus Interest-Based Bargaining Typical Method: Position Argument Concessions Compromise Solution Does this method of negotiation produce a wise agreement (meets the legitimate interests of each side, resolves conflicts fairly and is durable)?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 7 The Planning Structure Mine Counterpart’s POSITION (assumed best alternative; pre-determined outcome) INTERESTS (why; underlying needs)? BATNA (Plan “B”) Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement OPTIONS for MUTUAL GAIN (satisfy as many interests of both parties as possible) OBJECTIVE CRITERIA – 3rd Party (industry standards, law, historical data, best practices, code of ethics,)
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 8 Some Things to Remember Separate the person from the problem Perceptions Emotions Communication Assumptions “Never let your ego get so close to your position that when your position goes, your ego goes with it.” - Colin Powell Disarming Statement Bridging Question Seek satisfaction not victory
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 9 IBN Understand your position and theirs Understand your interests and theirs Understand your BATNA (Plan “B”) and theirs Think about options for mutual gain Identify and use objective criteria
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 10 Focus on Interests POSITIONS INTERESTS –Solutions to problems- Why a particular solution is preferred –Specific and definite- Reasons underlying a position –Basis for argument- Reasons for a solution –Requires justification- Requires explanation, not justification –Ends discussion - Starts discussion
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 11 Identify Interests Listen for: I have to do X because……. I can’t do Y because……. I’m really concerned about……. Then ask: What do you need……..? Could you tell me a little bit more about your reasons for……..?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 12 Options for Mutual Gain Brainstorm possible solutions together Consider options for joint benefit Joint Warfighting Doctrine Create together what neither of us could do on our own Look for possible trade-offs Exchange lower priorities for higher ones October, 1962!?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 13 If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now… Negotiating (communicating) helps us identify What we know; What we don’t know; and… What we don’t know we don’t know! Use Discovery and Disclosure to close the knowledge gap
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 14 Remember your BATNA! Real and concrete Pre-determined before and outside the negotiation Don’t really want to use it (Look for the Win- Win) Your best worst case scenario If we don’t agree, I can always…. What alternatives do I have? What alternatives can I create? How can I address the Plan B (BATNA) of my counterpart?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 15 Active Listening Watch for verbal and non-verbal signals (55, 38, 7) Use attentive body language Demonstrates attention to speaker Builds relationships Clarifies to ensure understanding Demonstrates empathy Supports more information sharing, disclosure and discovery Reason Together… it worked for The Godfather…(for a while) Win/Win Because Win/Lose is not acceptable Jim Thomas – Negotiating to Win
Dave Maurer, VP Programs Points for Success in the Workplace
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 17 Integrity and Honesty: Always and non-negotiable Responsiveness: “ Respondability” Anticipation: Over the horizon Follow-up: “An action passed…” Problems and Solutions: Where is your value?
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 18 Personal Accountability: It’s YOURS! Hard Work: “If it were easy, everyone would do it” Sense of Urgency: Pep! Personal Discipline: Set the bar high for yourself Leadership by Example: Always on parade
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 19 Followership: We all have a boss; Leading upward Loyalty: It is expected and should be Respect for Others: Platinum Rule Teamwork: You are rarely alone Collaboration: Extend your reach
Dave Maurer, VP Programs 20 Passion: Check for a pulse Reputation: Its all you have Seriousness of Purpose: Study, learn and apply Sense of Humor: It could always be worse Continuous Growth: Your own responsibility (point the thumb)