Workshop on Stress Management Counseling Unit BRAC University
Objective of the Workshop After the workshop participants can Clarify the meaning of stress Identify the sources and effects of stress Explain the stress prevention and management strategies
Stress: Event DemandResources Discrepancy Stress RealPerceived
Sources of Stress Sources within person Sources in the family Sources in the community and society
Can Stress Good for You??
Arousal / Demands Performance/ ability to cope Performance/ ability to cope
Not All Stress Is Bad…
Two Types of Stress Distress: Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors. It is the all encompassing sense of being imposed upon by difficulties with no light at the end of the tunnel. Eustress: Eustress or positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished. We may feel challenged, but the sources of the stress are opportunities that are meaningful to us.
How stress affects??? Physiological Behavioral Emotional Cognitive
Physiological Immediate stress symptoms -Increased heart rate -Increased blood pressure -Insomnia -Headaches, migraine -Breathing difficulties -Chestpain -Nausea -Diarrhoea -Vomiting -Stomach aches
Cont... Longer term stress symptoms Backache Weight loss/gain Colds, flu etc. Viral illness Heart attack Ulcer
Behavioral Loss of efficiency Aimless activity Focusing on peripheral activities Reduced activity, as if feeling physical pain Reduced external stimulation
Emotional Irritability and outbursts Blaming others Depression Feeling trapped and isolated
Cognitive Thinking Error Black and White Thinking Mental Filtering Magnification/ Minimization Over Generalization
How to deal with Stress Prevention Managing Stress
Unhealthy ways of stress management Smoking Drinking too much Overeating or undereating Zoning out for hours in front of TV or Computer Withdrawing from friends, family and activities
Cont… Using pills or drugs to relax Sleeping too much Procrastination Filling up every minutie of the day to avoid facing problems Taking out stress on others (lashing out, angry outburst, physical violence)
Organizing One’s World Better Time Management:
Assertiveness Assertiveness is the ability to express your emotions and needs without violating others rights and in the same time without being aggressive. So, assertiveness is - ability to make request ability to say ‘no’ appropriately ability to accept ‘no’
Coping Coping is the process by which people try to `manage’ the perceived discrepancy between the demands and resources they appraise in a stressful situation. Emotion focused Coping Problem focused Coping
Seeking Social Support Try to acquire information or emotional support
Modeling Observational Learning We see what others do and the consequences of the behavior the models perform.
Relaxation Deep breathing Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Focusing attention on specific muscle groups while alternately tightening and relaxing these muscles. Visualization
4A Avoid the stressor Avoid people who stress you out Pare down your to-do list Avoid hot button topics Take control of your environment
Cont… Alter the stressor Express you feelings instead of bottling them up Be willing to compromise Be more assertive Manage your time better
Cont.. Adapt to the stressor Reframe problem Look at the big picture Adjust your standards Focus on the positive
Cont… Accept the stressor Don’t try to control the uncontrollable Look for the upside Share your feelings Learn to forgive Being Grateful