P APER 2: T HE USA Section A: The Roaring 20s: The USA
M AIN S OURCES OF I MMIGRATION The three main countries that immigrants came from in Germany 3.0 million
M AIN S OURCES OF I MMIGRATION The three main countries that immigrants came from in Ireland 2.8 million
M AIN S OURCES OF I MMIGRATION The three main countries that immigrants came from in United Kingdom 1.9 million
This chart and table show the number of immigrants that came to the United States from What three time periods experienced the highest number of immigrants? Source of data: Immigration and Naturalization Service, US Department of Justice I MMIGRATION TO THE U NITED S TATES
KI: H OW AND WHY DID THE USA ACHIEVE PROSPERITY IN THE 1920 S ? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs
R EJECTION OF THE TREATY OF V ERSAILLES The Republican-dominated Senate refused to agree to the treaty and consequently they refused to join the League of Nations. Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat (who believed in interventionist government) and he subsequently lost the 1920 Presidential election to Warren Harding who was a Republican (who believed in leaving alone if possible).
W HY DID THE USA REJECT THE T REATY OF V ERSAILLES AND REFUSE TO JOIN THE L EAGUE OF N ATIONS ? Rejected because First WW and issues involved did not concern America Did not want USA soldiers involved around the world keeping peace Did not want to pay for the League of Nations and peace keeping Wanted a return to ‘normalcy’
Isolationism and its effects, The First World War had a strong effect on many Americans. It forced them to look at their relations with the rest of the world and to look at their own society. The result was a move to isolationism. This was seen in:
P ART 1: I SOLATION AND ITS EFFECTS, The rejection of the T of Versailles and refusal to join the L of N Changes in immigration policies. (P.64) Trade policies (P.57)
C HANGES TO IMMIGRATION POLICY P.65 The course over-laps See notes under KI: How far was the USA a divided society in the 1920s?
T RADE P OLICY : T HE F ORDNEY -M C C UMBER T ARIFF 1922 P.57 A tariff (extra tax) put on all foreign made goods sold in the USA. This meant American goods were cheaper and this helped American industries. The act gave the President the power to raise or lower the rate as was ‘necessary’ European countries soon retaliated by putting tariffs on American-made goods.
P ART 2: T HE P ROMISED L AND ? T HE USA IN THE 1920 S 2 Sections Economic Social
S ECTION A ) E CONOMY H OW AND WHY DID THE USA ACHIEVE PROSPERITY IN THE 1920 S ? Key Word: Prosperity: To get on well, to thrive, to be successful. How & why the USA did achieve prosperity How & why the USA didn’t achieve prosperity 2 parts to your answer
L INKS TO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Tariff Policy Cycle of Prosperity
N EW INFORMATION To answer the question I need a good knowledge of; 1. Mass production 2. Republican Government Policy facilities – Confidence 3. Credit facilities
How the USA achieved prosperity Mass production New goods (Cars/fridges/radios etc) Reduced Prices E.g Ford £ £295 Tariffs helped prices Created Cycle of Prosperity Government Policy Non-interference(laissez-faire). No rules to meet & follow therefore run business cheaply Lowered Tax. More money to spend on goods & factories. Therefore Cycle of Prosperity Credit Facilities Credit meant that people could buy more goods Therefore Cycle of Prosperity Confidence Buy more & more goods Invest in the Stock Markets. Prices going up therefore people have more money to spend Cycle of Prosperity
How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Key Words Isolationism: Prosperity ‘Normalcy’ Cycle of Prosperity Republican Democrat Laissez Faire Imports Exports Tariffs