1 Dissemination Board Status report D.Duchesneau, C. Hagner, Y. Kudenko, I. Lazanu, A. Rubbia LAGUNA general meeting CERN June 10 th, 2013 Talks at conferences:


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Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination Board Status report D.Duchesneau, C. Hagner, Y. Kudenko, I. Lazanu, A. Rubbia LAGUNA general meeting CERN June 10 th, 2013 Talks at conferences: 4 talks passed by Dissemination Board; 3 were personal invitation NeuTel 2013: “LAGUNA/LBNO status and plan”, A. Rubbia, Venice, March BLV2013: “LAGUNA and LBNO”, T. Patzak, Heidelberg, April ISOUPS symposium, “LAGUNA/LBNO”, A. Rubbia, Asilomar USA, May RENO-50 Workshop, “LAGUNA/LSc talk”, M. Wurm, Seoul, June Names of speakers provided to organisers: June 2013: RENO-50 workshop: M. Wurmdraft sent to DB September 2013: TAUP2013: M. Buizza Avanzini(agreed that abstract is being sent) Board activities since February 2013: Contributed papers. 3 LAGUNA/LBNO contributions have been submitted to IPAC13, Shangai, May 2013 Beam Transfer Systems for the LAGUNA-LBNO Long Baseline Neutrino Beam from the CERN SPSB (Goddard et al.) Design Study for a Future LAGUNA-LBNO Long-baseline Neutrino Facility at CERN (I. Efthymiopoulos et al.) Design Options of a High-power Proton Synchrotron for LAGUNA-LBNO (Y. Papaphilippou et al.)

2 Next urgent steps: Prepare abstracts for various possible contributions to conferences Contact and send abstracts to conferences: NuFACT13 (deadline June 18 th ) Abstracts, proceedings and posters: 1 abstract received from M. Buizza Avanzini for TAUP2013, already submitted Board activities since February 2013 (continued): Future steps: Review the 2 physics paper under preparation (see L. Agostino and V. Galymov talks) Detailed studies on the performance of the proposed next generation neutrino observatory in Europe: LBNO Paper on performance of LBNO with a second neutrino beam from Protvino

Some duties of the Dissemination Board: All LAGUNA and LAGUNA-LBNO foreground must be submitted to the dissemination board Should guarantee a good quality publication level; it concerns internal notes and referred papers or ArXiv papers Review the papers before submission Should guarantee a good quality of conference contributions with well adapted material Review the presentations before the talk Review the abstract submitted to conferences Review the posters submitted to conferences Should be the contact with conference organisers willing to have speakers or to have specific talks on subjects linked to Laguna activities. Should find speaker names for the various workshops and conferences. 3 REMINDER: Internal LAGUNA-LBNO "foregrounds" like for the design of detector options are not public domain, and have been developed under the EC contract LAGUNA-LBNO. They can be presented publicly at international conference or workshops only in talks given on behalf of the LAGUNA-LBNO Collaboration

4 Thank You

Conference basic rule proposal: When workshop or conference organisers want a Laguna-LBNO talk, they should be in contact with the DB who will search names of speakers. The DB will send a mail to the Institute representatives to ask for proposals in their corresponding groups. After collecting the proposals within 1 week the DB will make a choice according to some criteria: speaker work related to the talk, selecting younger speakers if possible and following an unbiased equity among institutes as much as possible 3 types of conference/workshop talks have to be considered: Invited talk directly to someone: Inform the DB. If the person cannot do => should send to the DB for a speaker search If the person can do => ok Invitation sent to Laguna => DB will search for the speaker Abstract submitted and approved => speaker is the author. 5 REMINDER:

Talk preparation: The speaker should provide to the DB a draft of the presentation 1 week before the scheduled talk. If the DB has remarks/comments the speaker should take them into account. After the conference, if a proceeding is written, it should be sent to the DB for comments (same procedure as for ArXiv) before publication. Acknowledgement should correctly referenced to LAGUNA-LBNO Design study with proper grant agreement number etc… 6 REMINDER:

Publication basic rule proposal: When a group or individual prepare a note which include new results based on Laguna-LBNO studies to be published in a referred journal or on ArXiv, the paper should be first sent to the DB. All DB members have the right to comment and discuss the content and have the possibility to agree to publish it or not. The DB should reply in less than 2 weeks time to the authors. If the green light is given: - the ArXiv can be posted after taking into account the possible comments or corrections by the DB members. -For a referred paper, 1 member of the board together with a member of Laguna designated by the DB will act as referees to read in more details the publication. If there is an objection by the DB: a detailed argumentation should be prepared and send to the authors with possibly some suggestions to succeed in publishing 7 REMINDER: