Morning Warm- Up! People either live alone or with others. Animals usually share their space. When does sharing make sense?
Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about Turtle and Beaver. We will read about how they compete in a race that is not just for recreation. What are some times you have been in a race?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a duck who lays her eggs in an odd place. The mother duck wants to protect her babies from hazards. Why might the baby ducks be skittish?
Morning Warm- Up! Turtles and beavers live in ponds. What other things live in ponds? Today we will read about things that live near ponds as well as things that live under the surface of ponds.
Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about animasl and people who didn’t want to share their ponds, decks, and rooms. Then things usually got easier. How do you usually feel when you share?