Joint Action Plans (Art CPR)
2 Purpose of the presentation Present the “Joint Action Plan”, a potential approach on a management more focused on outputs and results Create a common understanding around this innovative approach
…did we propose this new instrument? To focus more on outputs and results …do we believe it will work? Because focus on outputs and results will replace focus on inputs Why? … ?
A smartly defined goal A well-thought through intervention logic Credits: xedos4 - Danilo Rizzuti - digitalart - Stuart Miles/ What do you need to build a JAP? Agreed upon milestones, outputs and results
JAP = 1 Operation = Part of OP(s) How does it all fit together? Commission Decision BENEFICIAIRYBENEFICIAIRY OP AUTHORITIESOP AUTHORITIES Payments Milestones Outputs Results € ECEC € Payments Project 1 Project 2 Project 4 Project 3 Output & Results Output
JAP: Some (important) details (1) The JAP is an option is linking payments exclusively to outputs and results allows for simplified management is based – in terms of costs – only based on lump sums and standard scale of unit costs integrates different types of projects achieving a single predefined goal
JAP: Some (important) details (2) The JAP will be subject to negotiations between COM and MS will be adopted – once an agreement is reached – by means of an implementing act in order to provide legal certainty to the MS could be submitted after the start of the OP could be supported by one or several Funds (ESF, ERDF, CF) or by several OPs within one Fund
JAP: Some (important) details (3) One Beneficiary = public law body JAP shall not support infrastructures Minimum public support: EUR 10 million or 20% of the OP(s) (lower figure) Pilot JAP (minimum support: EUR 5 million) No minimum threshold for a JAP supported by the Youth Employment Initiative
1. The Intervention logic JAP: Key points to remember is a coordinated set of projects and of assumptions to reach the expected results indicates which intermediary output and result targets should be achieved to realise the goal indicates the indicators are needed to adequately monitor progress towards outputs and results
2. Financial Management JAP: Key points to remember Payment will depend on level of achievement! Costs to achieve outputs and results are calculated based on simplified cost options Cost are included in payment applications like any other operations
11 2. Financial Management Final payment depends on real performance. ‘Expenditure’ declared when outputs and results are justified: same principle as other operations using simplified cost options. Unspent amounts go back to the OP as every other operation. Commission decision will cover the main elements of the JAP to ensure legal certainty JAP: Key points to remember
3. Audit JAP: Key points to remember Financial audit pertains only to the conditions of payment defined in the Commission Decision: milestones, outputs & results
13 Commission decision will cover the main elements of the JAP to ensure legal certainty JAP: Key points to remember
14 Content of the proposal of JAP (1) Analysis of needs justifying the JAP Intervention logic, indicators Geographic coverage, target groups Implementation period Effects on equality between men and women, prevention of discrimination, sustainable development
15 Content of the proposal of JAP (2) Implementing provisions: Competence of beneficiary Steering Monitoring and evaluation Financial arrangements, including indicative schedule of payments Financing plan Costs for achieving milestones, outputs and result targets
16 Decision on JAP Commission will take a decision (positive or negative) on JAP within 4 months of submission Main elements: Beneficiary Objectives Costs of achieving milestones, outputs and targets (incl. indicators and their definitions) Financing plan Implementation period Geographical coverage and target groups
17 Steering Committee & amendment of JAP Why? Need for a close monitoring and early detection / correction of potential problems given the financial consequences. Element of flexibility of the plan necessary to correct initial errors or take account of unforeseen events. Role: review progress, consider and approve proposal of amendments Who? Decided by MS, partnership principle, Commission may participate. Different from the Monitoring Committee.
18 Conclusion: Pros and Cons +: Result oriented, flexible (scope, time period, can be negotiated later), incentive to deliver on priorities, for all types of operations, legal certainty for MSs, less administrative burden in terms of audit to check the audit trail, limit errors, group partners and Funds around common target -: Additional workload to negotiate and follow the JAP, need for a reliable reporting systems, new culture = new tools = new risks, different types of management in the same OP
JAP = 1 Operation = Part of OP(s) How does it all fit together? Commission Decision BENEFICIAIRYBENEFICIAIRY OP AUTHORITIESOP AUTHORITIES Payments Milestones Outputs Results € ECEC € Payments Project 1 Project 2 Project 4 Project 3 Output & Results Output
20 Constitution of a JAP pilot group end of November 2011 Representatives from ESF – Managing Authorities from the Czech Republic, Flanders (BE), Netherlands, Poland and North Rhine-Westphalia (DE); Representatives from COM: Country-Desks, Evaluation unit, Policy coordination unit, (auditors)
21 Proposed pilot JAP (Czech Republic) Objective of the project: To support the return to work of people with young children after maternity leave Tools: Financial support for company kindergartens over a period of 2,5 years. End of the project: 30 June Assumptions: Company kindergartens will help in the return to work for parents with small children after the maternity leave.
New schema – 4 phases
Many thanks for your attention Stefan Schulz-Trieglaff DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit: ESF Legislation and Policy