Choices for Grade Nine Students coming to Dartmouth High School
Math 10 Academic? Math 10 Essentials? Math 10 Foundations
Math 10 Academic? Math 10 Essentials? Math 10 Foundation s What would Katniss pick? What would Prim pick? What would Peeta pick?
Math Essentials 10: Prerequisites: Successful Completion of Grade 8 math and recommendation of Grade 9 teacher. This course will focus on the development of math skills required in the workplace and everyday life and is best suited for students who have a history of difficulty achieving outcomes in math courses.
Math Foundations 10: Prerequisites: Successful Completion of Grade 9 Math. This course covers topics similar to those of the Academic Course, but allows more time for students to learn new topics. It is best suited for students who will not be taking post secondary programs in math, sciences, computer studies or commerce.
Math Academic 10: Prerequisites: Successful Completion of Grade 9 Math and demonstrated good to excellent performance of the expected outcomes for Grade 9. This course is designed for the student who intends to pursue post secondary studies in the areas of math, sciences, computer studies or commerce.
“We, the Math Team at Dartmouth High, want all students to succeed in their Math Classes.” To accomplish this goal: All teachers offer extra help in their classrooms several times a week. Every Math Teacher will help any student with their coursework. We try to identify students at risk early in the Semester.
High School Math is different from Junior High Math. It’s time to move into the world of Algebra and Functions, Formulae and Trigonometry, Quadratic Formula and Applications!
Homework might look like this….. Or this…… Or this…..
Math 10 Essentials
Math 10 Foundations
Math 10 Academic
Math 10 IB
Now, you’re in the Big Leagues!
Linear Functions Quadratic Functions Linear Programming Trigonometry Geometry of Packaging Data Management
The math concepts you will be learning were discovered ages ago! The principles and formulae and theorems you learn in Math class will be expanded on in future course. The Math concepts discovered long ago are responsible for the development of a lot of the electronic gadgets you consider important today!
If you want to succeed, these are the steps you must follow! Take good notes! Do the homework Hand in assignments. Practice your mental math. Attend math help sessions. Review!
Homework is extremely important! When you practice enough questions and arrive at the correct solution, you will build your confidence!
Math Help is available in the Math Support Room during every lunch period in Various Math Classes. Don’t wait until the last minute before seeking help!
Make sure you pick the right course now, because you won't be able to change levels during the semester and you may have to wait until the next semester to take the math course you need!.