Mary Shelley Major Works (1)
Frankenstein Frankenstein, a Swiss scientist, creates a human being by joining parts selected from corpses The result of the experiment is ugly and revolting The Monster The Monster becomes a murderer At the end he destroys his creator The story is introduced by a series of letters written by Walton to his sister, Margaret Walton Saville. (2)
What is the essence of humanity ? What makes the monster hideous creature ? What makes him a human being ? Find some examples of humanity in the text.
Why do you think the monster wants to have a female monster ? If you were at the doctor´s place, would you agree to create the female monster for him ? Yes/No, and explain why?
Do you think that his terrible behaviour is excusable ? Why yes/no ?
Who is the real – the creature or Dr. Frankenstein?
humanity vs. inhumanity criticise of some humans nature is more human than society social prejudice destructive power of revenge intellectual & emotional development of the monster (4)
Do you really think everything would have been hunky-dory if the monster looked like Ashton Kutcher ? Thank you for your attention
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