7/6/20161 Shaw’s Pygmalion jennifer eddins
7/6/20162 Elements of Shavian plays Shavian – related to or pertaining to plays written by George Bernard Shaw Wit Instructional entertainment Reality contrasts with conventional beliefs Women more in tune with reality
Literary Archetype An image, detail, plot pattern, or character type that occurs frequently in literature, myth, religion, or folklore. An image that recurs often enough in literature to be recognizable as an element of one’s literary experience as a whole. 7/6/20163
Victorian Romance Witty dialogue Relationships between men and women Examination of social issues Impoverished yet moral leading ladies Male protagonists who learn that money and character do not necessarily go hand in hand 7/6/20164
Democratic Socialism Seen as some as a more benevolent form of capitalism The active participation of the population as a whole, and workers in particular in the management of the economy Maintains redistributive tax policies Through gradual reform not revolution 7/6/20165
6 Shaw’s beliefs Shaw was a committed socialist. He questioned the absurdity of inherited wealth and status and vice versa. Liza’s ability to fool society about her “real” identity raises questions about appearances and the fundamental absurdities of “rules” in society.
7/6/20167 Pygmalion The play combines a central story of the transformation of a young woman with elements of myth, fairy tale, and romance. It also explores social identity and the relations between men and women, among other issues. The ability to move from one layer of society to another is also explored.
7/6/20168 Instruction Shaw’s play attempts to instruct against the prejudice (still powerfully in place) that dialect and even accent restrict or elevate a person’s success in society. Shaw intends to prove that esteem in society should be given to worthy individuals, like Eliza, and not unworthy ones, like Clara.
7/6/20169 Eliza Eliza’s achievements are pointed out when she makes her debut into society, which is the moment Shaw exposes the truth. Eliza is the same in her inner being; she was always a “good girl” and able to speak up for herself, but her speech changes and other external changes make her acceptable to high society whereas otherwise she would have been spurned.
7/6/ Real Life Even with impeccable speech in the garb of the flower girl, she may still have provoked treatment typical for flower girls.
7/6/ Higgins Higgins sees himself as god-like and, like Satan, considers himself his own creator (self-begotten). There is never mention of a father. Also like Satan, he tempts Eliza with chocolates, and he munches on an apple as he tells her she could marry. Eliza is his “creature”. Like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Higgins creates and then casts away without consideration. As a result, the “creature” is unhappy and feels rejected.
7/6/ Ever After, Happily? In the end, Eliza realizes that Higgins is a confirmed bachelor and will never give her what she wants. “Galatea never does quite like Pygmalion: his relation to her is too godlike to be altogether agreeable.”