Figure S1. Zhao et al. a b c Figure. S1. VEGF does not stimulate population increase and cell cycle changes in breast cancer cells. (a) cells from MDA-MB-231 were plated into 2D culture and treated +/- VEGF for 9 days. Cell number over time is plotted. (b) The cell cycle distributions of MDA- MB-231 and DT-22 cells treated +/- VEGF for 7 days. (c) Cell cycle distribution of MDA-MB- 231 cells dissociated from mammospheres formed +/- VEGF. All graphs show mean +/-SEM. % C VEGF MDA-MB-231 C VEGF DT-22 % C VEGF MDA-MB-231 spheres %
ab C VEGF BV+VEGF Day 0 1 Figure S2. Zhao et al. Figure. S2. VEGF exposure increases tumor cell survival/early establishment after tail vein injection and increases lung weights. (a) MDA-MB-231 cells were pre-treated +/- VEGF and +/- bevacizumab (BV+VEGF) for 7 days prior to tail vein injection. Photon flux on day 1 after injection is graphed as mean +/-SEMs plotted. (b) Representative IVIS images on day 0 and 1 post-injection. (c) Lungs from tumor bearing mice were removed and weighed at week 6 and graphed as mean weight +/- SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. ** c * *
Figure. S3. Knock down of SOX2 does not change cell cycle. MDA-MB-231 cells were transfected with SiSOX2 and scramble control for 48 hours and cells were collected for cell cycle analysis. C SiSOX2 % Figure S3. Zhao et al.
C VEGF % Hop62 C VEGF % H23 a b Figure. S4. VEGF does not stimulate population increase and cell cycle changes in lung cancer cells. (a) A total of cells from Hop62 and H23 were plated into 2D culture and treated +/- VEGF for 9 days. Cell number over time is plotted. (b) The cell cycle distribution of Hop62 and H23 cells treated +/- VEGF for 7 days. All graphs show mean +/-SEM. Figure S4. Zhao et al.
Figure. S5. VEGF exposure fails to increase sphere formation in ER positive breast cancer cells. T47D and MDA-MB-361 cells were treated +/- VEGF for 7 days before mammosphere seeding +/- continued VEGF. All graphs show mean +/-SEM. Figure S5. Zhao et al. C VEGF Spheres C VEGF Spheres
Figure. S6. VEGF induces a potential autocrine loop. (a) MDA-MB-231 cells were treated +/- VEGF for 7 days and cells were collected form RT-PCR analysis of VEGF expression. (b) pVEGFR-2 levels were assayed in MDA-MB-231 cells treated +/- VEGF for 7 days or following removal of VEGF and recovery after a further 7 days. Graphs shows mean +/-SEM. (*p<0.05). Fold change * VEGF mRNA a VEGFR-2 pVEGFR-2 (Tyr1175) β-actin VEGF C VEGF withdraw b Figure S6. Zhao et al.