Alexander Kiefer
Space exploration and development is big issue and many people think that we should stop going into space. Space exploration has brought us so much good. Lots of people think that space travel brings us no use but it is a big part human survival
Every body thinks that NASA gets so much money and when the space race took place in the 60’s it did they consumed 4% of the national budget and today they only consume about.5%. Also they have found a way to reuse spacecrafts that have already been in space so that would save them a huge amount of money.
If we wanted to duplicate the success that we had in 1969 without the cost then it would take around 50 years and we would have to use recycled ships
It is a waste of taxpayer money to continue to send man into outer space. This is what a lot of people think about NASA
Experts think that if we wait longer then the price is only going to go up. NASA is planning on sending a telescope into space and it will cost around 3.5 billion dollars, but if they wait until 2018 then it would cost around 8.7 billion dollars.
Cameron, James. "The Right Dreams at NASA." Washington Post. 05 Feb 2010: A.17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 May Matthews, Mark K. "Smaller Projects Face NASA Crunch." Orlando Sentinel. 30 Aug 2011: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr 2012 Miller, Charles. "Back to the Moon--For a Fraction of the Old Price." Wall Street Journal. 03 Feb 2012: A.17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.23 Apr ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Space Missions." ProQuest LLC. 2012: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Apr 2012