X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Amplifiers and Oscillators for Materials and Fundamental Research Kwang-Je Kim ANL and U. of Chicago ICABU Meeting November 12, 2013 DaeJeon, Korea October 29, 2013
Relativity and Synchrotron Radiation KJK ICABU Nov
3 More efficient x-ray production with an “undulator” Compact undulator with permanent magnets
Radiation by one electron in N u period undulator The e - emits EM wave in the forward direction due to its x-acceleration. Consider the wave fronts from successive undulator periods: The e - is slower since (1) c > v c(1-1/2 2 ), and (2) its trajectory is curved. Thus, the EM wave slips ahead of the e - in one undulator period by a distance wavelength: – = u (1+K 2 /2)/2 2, [keV]=12.4/ Å After travelling N u periods of the undulator, an N u -cycle wave-train is formed: – z rad = N u =1/N u KJK ICABU Nov u N u e K/ E-field direction
An N u -cycle wave-train KJK ICABU Nov c
Undulator radiation from electrons randomly distributed in a “bunch” KJK ICABU Nov
Transverse coherence KJK ICABU Nov
Amplification in the presence of e-beam When the EM wavelength satisfies the undulator condition, an electron sees the same EM field in the successive period sustained energy exchange An e - arriving at A 0 loses energy to the field (ev E <0). Similarly the e - at distance n n=1,2,… also loses energy. However, those at /2 +n) away gain energy. The electron beam develops energy modulation (period length ). Higher energy electrons are faster density modulation develops Coherent EM of wavelength is generated “Free electron laser” KJK ICABU Nov A0A0 A3A3 A2A2 A1A1
9 SASE: Initial undulator radiation is amplified to intense, quasi-coherent radiation Undulator Regime Exponential Gain Regime Saturation Electron Bunch Micro-Bunching Transverse mode z = 25 m z = 37.5 m z = 50 m z = 90 m KJK ICABU Nov
SASE: Microbunching in each coherent region # of coherent regions= n lc # of electrons in one coherent region = N lc =N e /n lc Radiation intensity = (N lc ) 2 n lc = (N e ) 2 /n lc =N e N lc X-ray FELs are driven by linear accelerators KJK ICABU Nov
An FEL for x-rays requires high e-beam qualities not achievable from storage rings photo-cathode gun & a linear acc KJK ICABU Nov KEK/JAERI DC gun LBNL 180 MHz RF Photocathode BNL type LCLS S-band RF Photocathode
Hard X-Ray FELs in Operation & Under Construction SACLA GeV, 60 Hz NC SACLA GeV, 60 Hz NC PAL XFEL GeV, 100 Hz NC PAL XFEL GeV, 100 Hz NC SWISS FEL GeV, 100 Hz NC KJK ICABU Nov LCLS-I, II 2009, GeV, 120 Hz NC LCLS-I, II 2009, GeV, 120 Hz NC XFEL GeV, 3000 x 10 Hz SC XFEL GeV, 3000 x 10 Hz SC
Various R&D programs are in progress to enhance the performance of high-gain XFEL SASE is temporally incoherent fluctuation in spectrum and intensity Coherent soft x-rays ( < 1 nm) via seeding –Laser HHG, Cascaded HGHG, EEHG, self-seeding Self-seeding for hard x-rays Other spectrum enhancing schemes – iSASE, pSASE, two color generation LCLS-II will incorporate CW capability by a super-conducting linac KJK ICABU Nov
14 Free Electron Laser Oscillator A low-gain device with high Q optical cavity Optical pulse formed over many electron passes Difficult for x-rays –Electron beam qualities –High-reflectivity normal incidence mirror KJK ICABU Nov
15 X-Ray FEL Oscillator (XFEL-O) An FEL oscillator is feasible in hard x-ray region by using Bragg mirrors –R. Collela and A. Luccio, 1983; KJK, Y. Shvyd’ko, and S. Reiche, 2008 Tuning is possible with a four mirror configuration –R. M.J.Cotterill, (1968) KJK & Y. Shvyd’ko (2009) Ultra-high spectral resolution ( meV) with storage ring like stability 15
KJK ICABU Nov Example Parameters Electron beam: –Energy 6 GeV, Bunch charge ~ pC low intensity, Bunch length (rms) 1 (0.1 ps) Peak current 20 (100) A, Normalized rms emittance 0.2 (0.3) mm-mr, rms energy spread ~ 2 10 -4, Constant bunch rep ~1 MHz Undulator: –L u = 60 (30) m, u 2.0 cm, K=1.0 – 1.5 Optical cavity: –2- or 4- diamond crystals and focusing mirrors –Total round trip reflectivity > 85 (50) % XFELO output: – 5 keV 25 keV –Bandwidth: ~ 1 (5) ; rms pulse length = 500 (80) fs –# photons/pulse ~ 1 10 9 –Rep rate ~ a few MHz(limited by crystal heat load and damage) 8
Diamond is the best material. The tolerance on optical element placement (10 nr), and R. & fig. errors for focusing mirrors appear feasible. KJK ICABU Nov Null feedback on HRM to 50 nr High heat diffusivity at < 100K Yamauch, JTEC, R~ 99%, fig error< 1 r
Damage issue of diamond crystals for XFELO cavity KJK ICABU Nov Power density on XFELO crystal –1 kW/mm2 Power density for APS HHL crystal Power density of focused beam for ESRF experiment in 1994
KJK ICABU Nov XFELO applications High resolution spectroscopy –Inelastic x-ray scattering Mössbauer spectroscopy –10 3 /pulse, 10 9 /sec Moessbauer s (14.4 keV, 5 neV BW) X-ray photoemission spectroscopy –Bulk-sensitive Fermi surface study with HX-TR-AR PES X-ray imaging with nm resolution –Smaller focal spot with the absence of chromatic aberration picosecond time resolution A second user WS was held at POSTECH in Feb 2013
Nuclear-resonance-stabilized XFELO (B.W. Adams and K.-J. Kim, to be published) The XFEL-O output pulses are copies of the same circulating intra-cavity pulse By stabilizing cavity RT time to less than 0.01 /c, the spectrum of XFELO output becomes a comb The extreme-stabilized XFEL-O will establish an x-ray-based length standard and have applications in fundamental physics such as x-ray Ramsey interferometer to probe quantum gravity, etc. KJK ICABU Nov
PossibleAccelerator system Injector for XFELO is available from ERL research The 17GeV pulsed Euro XFEL can be operated 7GeV CW A 2-loop, 3 pass system using 25 CEBAF C-100 cryomodule for 2.3 GeV acceleration can fit CEBAF tunnel for multi-XFELO operation KJK ICABU Nov
Legend of evolving bright & coherent x- ray sources KJK ICABU Nov