Slide 1 AusRAILPLUS 2003 Sydney 17 November 2003 Bob Scheuber QR Chief Executive Officer
Slide 2 Australian Freight 2001/02 Total haul for all modes 2 billion tonnes Rail’s share 554 million tonnes Contestable rail market 319 million tonnes QR’s share 153 million tonnes
Slide 3 QR’s Freight Mix Bulk coal Other mineral products Sugar Grain Containers Cattle
Slide 4
Slide 5 QR Freight Highlights 2002/03 Australian records for seventh successive year Total haul 156 million tonnes Total haul 156 million tonnes Bulk coal 139 million tonnes Bulk coal 139 million tonnes Coal 50% up on five years ago
Slide 6
Slide 7 And then there were three?
Slide 8 Two Freight Realities Rail on rail competition Competition by rail as a mode within the national transport market
Slide 9 Rail on Rail Competition The phoney war ends QR success in Queensland and interstate Existing business retained New business won
Slide 10 Modal Competition Rail held back by historic lack of investment What is rail’s position in the total transport offering?
Slide 11 As an industry we need to: Collectively determine our role, and Work together to enhance the fortunes of rail as a mode of transport
Slide 12 Even robust competitors must work together to have rail acknowledged as a key player in the transport market-place
Slide 13 Working with Government AusLink Australian Logistics Council National Transport Commission
Slide 14 Investment $6 billion over 10 years within QR, including $2 billion on track $2 billion planned for next five years, including $800 million on track
Slide 15 Below Rail $374 million upgrade between Rockhampton and Cairns $130 million in central Queensland coal area $450 million for regional Queensland
Slide 16 Above Rail 526 additional coal wagons 11 additional diesel electric locomotives Major upgrade of existing electric locomotive fleet (3 for 5) 300 steel cattle wagons
Slide 17 We can make rail a vital and growing part of the Australian transport supply chain
Slide 18 Any Questions?