EDU Introduction to Leadership and Management Natasha White Assessment 2 presentation
Serendipity Early Learning Centre Outdoor policy review
Agenda The importance of policies and the review process What makes an effective policy Process of developing a policy Issues of the policy and suggestions Frameworks, legislations and regulations Ethical codes
Why policies are important Involves collaboration from key stakeholders (Rowell, 2006) Staff have a framework for their actions (Gibbs, 2008) It ensures decision making is less complicated and consistent (Rowell, 2006) Ensures all legal and regulatory laws are met (Gibbs, 2008) Used as evaluation (Gibbs, 2008)
Review process Why review policies Allows ongoing collaboration among stakeholders Policy need to be flexible to allow change To ensure all laws and regulations are adhered to daily Recommended practices change (Rowell, 2006)
Effective policies Clear and concise Uses simple English All laws and regulations are fully considered Legislation requirements are met Aligns with the centre’s philosophy Improves quality of education the service provides (Gibbs, 2008)
Process of developing a policy Fig. 1 (Gibbs, 2008)
Issues of policy and suggestions Strengths Clear and well written Roles clearly identified Recognises the diversity of the community Fencing policy To review Sensory experiences –shoes on vs shoes off Water usage Nature play Suggestions Allow shoes on for outside play. This will reinforce the centre’s philosophy on creating sensory experiences for the children. Develop more nature based play opportunities. This will allow more sensory play and allow the children more opportunities to connect with the environment which is also stated in the philosophy. Review water usage policy. Look at installing a pump.
Frameworks, legislations and regulations National Quality Framework the-national-quality-framework The national Quality framework is an agreement between the Australian Governments to provide quality education and achieve better outcomes for the children. (ACECQA, 2011) National Quality Standards The national quality standards is a key aspect of the national quality framework. It consists of 7 quality areas which set a benchmark for all early childhood education and care. It is designed to : Give greater individual care and attention to children Give educators greater skills and qualifications Support children’s learning A national register to assist parents to assess the quality of education and Improve child to educator ratio (ACECQA, 2011) Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] The EYLF is based around the view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and belonging. The five learning outcomes are: Children have a strong sense of identity Children are connected with and contribute to their world Children have a strong sense of wellbeing Children are confident and involved learners Children are effective communicators. (DEEWR, 2009)
Code of Ethics Respect Democracy Honesty Integrity Justice courage Inclusivity Social responsiveness Cultural responsiveness Education Find it at :
Reference list Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2014, June). Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. Retrieved from Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority. (2014). Introducing the Nations Quality Framework. Retrieved from Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority: the-national-quality-frameworkhttp:// the-national-quality-framework Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments [DEEWR]. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Retrieved from framework_for_australia.pdf framework_for_australia.pdf Early Childhood Australia. (2015). Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics. Retrieved from Early Childhood Australia: Gibbs, L. (2008). Process for Development of Policy [image]. Retrieved from: Same and Different - The Policy Planning Process. In L. Gibbs, Policy Development in Early Childhood Settings: From Idea to Evaluation (pp ). Castle HIll: Pademelon Press. Gibbs, L. (2008). Same and Different - The Policy Planning Process. In L. Gibbs, Policy Development in Early Childhood Settings: From Idea to Evaluation (pp ). Castle HIll: Pademelon Press. Rowell, P. (2006). Why Have Policies. National Childcare Accreditation Council, Rowell, P. (2009). Ask a child care adviser: policies and procedures in everyday practice. Retrieved from Waniganayake, M. (2012). Leading for Quality. In M. Waniganayake, S. Cheeseman, M. Fenech, F. Hadley, & W. Shepherd, Leadership (pp ). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.