THE BLUEPRINT FOR CHRISTIAN SUCCESS series Pt5 Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place Exodus 25:8/Leviticus 26:11-12/Ephesians 2:19-22
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place RECAP Blueprints are the designated designs required for building or constructing some type of “Structure”. ALSO known as Plans BLUEPRINTS ensure that the “Structure” will be: Sound Stable Well Built
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place RECAP The first step in laying a Christian foundation is our recognition of Jesus as the Son of God The 6 Foundational Practices/Principles summed up: 1.Personal Encounter 2.Personal Empowerment 3.Personal Expectation
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place RECAP 4 Major Areas that we must allow the Holy Spirit to Redevelop 1.The HeartEzk 36:26 2.The Spirit Ps 51:10 3.The Mind Eph 4:23 4.The FleshRom 6:13(GW)
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place RECAP 4 major Erected Barriers that must be torn down 1.Altars 2.Sacred Pillars 3. Asherah Poles (Wooden Images) 4.Carved Images (Gods in our Images)
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. Ex. 25:8 1.Dwell (shakan): inhabit, settle down, abide Another word Mishkan is derived from shakan which means Tabernacle 2. Among(tawek): in the midst, within, the center, in the middle
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place 11 I will place my dwelling(mishkan,Tabernacle) in your midst, and I shall not abhor you. 12 And I will walk among (tawek- in the middle, center, within)you, and will be your God, and you shall be my people. Lev 26:11-12(NRSV)
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place Eph 2:19-22 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place These Dwellings (Tabernacle & Temple) consisted of two sacred Compartments The Holy Place – Outer Sanctuary: The Place where (acts) of Worship were performed The Holy of Holies – Inner Sanctuary: The Throne Room for the Presence of God
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING Table of Shewbread – Bread of Presence Jesus is the Living Bread of Life – He is the Source of our Life/Living Matt 4:4/ Jn 6:35, 51 Meaning: We should find complete satisfaction in Him! As living bread I should not have “Cravings or Desires” for anything else!
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING The Golden Candlestick The Candlestick represents for the believer Light. Light has several connotations. Light is the operation of the Godhead! The Father is the Author of Light Jas 1:17(a)/1Jn 1:5(b) The Son is the Instrument for LightJn 8:12/Ps 119:105 The Holy Spirit is the Oil for the Light Ex 27:20/1Sam 16:13
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING Light Maintenance Without proper maintenance the light will go dim if not out! 1Sam 3:2-3 As Believers..We are suppose to “Walk in the Light”! 1 Jn 1:6-7/ Eph 5:7-14 We are suppose to replicate that Light to the World Matt. 5:16
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING Altar of Incense This Is the Place of Prayer and Intercession in the Believer Our Prayers are Powerful 1Ki 8:28-30 One special feature on this altar was that it had horns on the 4 corners 1.Horns Signify: power, authority and kingship 2.For animals horns represent: strength, power and defense.
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING Ark of Covenant – Ark of the Testimony The Ark was a chest like container that was in the Most Holy Place. It was in two pieces. The Ark itself and the Mercy seat which sat on top.
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING Ark of Covenant – Ark of the Testimony 1.It was a symbol of God’s Testimonies & Manifested Presence. 2.The Ark itself housed the Testimonies of Israel & God a.The Commandments – Testimony of His Promises b.The Jar of Manna- Testimony of God’s Provision to next generation c.The budded Rod of Aaron – Testimony of rebellion
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING A.The Mercy Seat – This was the very throne of God where he would communicate his will & judge our sins with mercy!
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING A.The Mercy Seat – 21 You shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark; and in the ark you shall put the covenant that I shall give you. 22 There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the covenant, I will deliver to you all my commands for the Israelites. Ex 25:21-22
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING As Our King shows Us Mercy…we are to show that same Mercy to others! So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. Jas 2:12-13
Blueprint to Becoming God’s Dwelling Place THE FURNISHINGS INSIDE THE DWELLING