Erin Siebert ESS 759
Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve!
What it is Data collection tool that will help you conduct surveys, complete inspections, judge sporting competitions, observe teachers, appraise items or bid on jobs. Used by doctors to track patient visits in hospitals and clinics. Used by teachers and school administrators in classrooms. Used to help business people manage their performance goals. If you want to improve your performance in any aspect of your life, you first need to track it. Improves your efficiency and make your observations consistent, accurate and repeatable. Once complete, the results can be sent in CSV form and then imported into your spreadsheet. Your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad is now a mobile data collection device.
Categories/ Terms/ Lingo Studies – Various measurement tools you have created, comes with 3 samples. Questions Type – Yes/No, Counter, Timer, Text, Select One, & Select Multiple. Graphics – Uses common graphics associated with most iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad apps.
First, create your own study 1) Name the study 2) Add questions to your study 3) Specify the type of question either; Yes/No, Counter, Timer, Text, Select One, & Select Multiple Add as many questions and as much detail as you want. How to Use
Creating a Rubric within the drop down menu Select Multiple Question Type Click the + to add a new rubric/ drop down menu or click the pencil to edit a pre-existing one Name the list Add New Items to the list, these will be in the order you enter them
Head to your local gym and observe a lesson AS IT IS HAPPENING! Open the app, enter the name of the person and begin your study. Can also be used to evaluate student behaviors and code film. Remember timers do not stop in one category just because you have started a timer in another category. How to use
Data Collection Select your study, enter a name for the participant and begin your measurements.
Calculation of Results Results compiled as you are using the app, can check study averages and all information to yourself and others.
How to open in spread sheet 1) file to the intended person Copy the entire and paste into a word document Save the file type as plain text 2) Open Excel New File Open the word document in Excel 3) Change the file type to Delimited, then select Next 4) Set Delimiters: No Tab, choose comma Select Next, then select Finish
Copy all (Ctrl A, Ctrl C) Paste Special Click Transpose – this will flip the list the correct way How to open in spread sheet cont. Delete any extra rows, sends the entire study. Adjust the columns Can now compare spread sheet to various rubrics and other evaluation tools
Analyzing & Interpreting Results
Examples Hey Dr. T, how’s your golf game?
Application Who it is best for…
Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages ~ Can sort list alphabetically, by type of question, by frequency, or by order of entry Calculates study percentages for all participants Can modify and insert your own rubrics or drop down menus for evaluating Can create new or modify old evals from anywhere Can code teacher and student behaviors as they are happening, no need for film Studies create reflect the individuals end goal of the class, i.e. lifetime movers v. fitness Can add comments within each category, but if you choose not they don’t show up as missing Disadvantages ~ Can’t change the order you enter questions in Sends entire study info when ed ed comes from a strange account and not yours, may be confusing. Have to go through an intensive step by step process to have the results in a usable table in Excel Time consuming process to create and modify all of your studies
References Cindy Kuhrasch Kinesiology Department -School of Education - University of Wisconsin - Madison 2027 Gymnasium-Natatorium 2000 Observatory Drive Madison, WI (608) 262 – 4348 Supervision iPhone App $4.99 Seller: Net Endeavor, Inc. © 2008 Incredibly Complex Software