Can you beat the system? Play the game See if you can beat the global farming system!
Page 2 INTRODUCTION This power point is to be used with the workshop guide. Use the videos to show game players at the key points during the game. Good luck, and enjoy your time in Centralia! Using this power point
Welcome to centralia
Centralia: A growing country
You have two minutes to decide Decide your strategy DO NOT start colouring, cutting or trading!
You can colour, cut and trade. start
The season is ending
Land Grabs!
You can colour, cut and trade. continue
The season is ending
You can colour, cut and trade. continue
Company investment!
You can colour, cut and trade. continue
The season is ending
Price rises!
You can colour, cut and trade. continue
Government investment!
You can colour, cut and trade. continue
The season is ending
What was it like in Centralia?
Real world challenges Land grabs Price rises Drought Cooperatives
Joining together!
Real world challenges Land grabs Price rises Drought Cooperatives Growing investment in small farmers Tackling tax avoidance by large companies
What will you do?
Page 26 Enough food for everyone if...
Page 27 Hunger is the greatest scandal of our age. The world produces enough food for everyone, but not everyone has enough food. Together, we can make 2013 the beginning of the end for the global hunger crisis. But only IF we act together and make our leaders begin to end hunger by tackling four big IFs. Tom Pietrasik/Oxfam
Page 28 we give enough aid to stop children dying from hunger and help the poorest families get enough food. stop poor farmers being forced off their land and we grow crops to feed people not fuel cars. we stop big companies dodging taxes in poor countries governments and big companies are honest and open about some of the things that stop people getting enough food. Join Us
Photo credits Slide 2: –Ploughed Acre, photo by Georg Slickers [CC-BY-SA-2.5 ( GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons –Wheatfield in South Africa, photo by Lotus Head from Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa ( [GFDL ( CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC-BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons –Corn on a Stalk, photo by Stoon on [royalty free] –Old shed in a cornfield, photo by Judith Lindeboom [royalty free] via –Corn harvest, photo by Harpreet Padam, via –Frying corncobs, photo by user: sanoopka, via –School in Chigoneka, photo by Hannah Zealey –11d Village Reach Hospital, photo by GiveWell (GiveWell) [CC-BY-3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons –Grains in bags, photo by K Connors, via –Corn in basket, photo by Vivek Chugh, via –Coffee berries, photo by Stanislaw Szydlo [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons –Coffee Beans On Plant, photo by user: foto76, via –Fresh Coffee Beans Being Processed, photo by user: kibsri, via –Bag of coffee, photo by FoxLad at en.wikipedia [CC-BY-3.0 ( from Wikimedia Commons –Tax Filing, photo by user: Arvind Balaraman, via –Skyscrapers in the financial center of Istanbul, photo by Yuliy Ganev, via –Farmer works a field of beans, photo by Neil Palmer (CIAT) ( [CC-BY- SA-2.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons –Market sousse herbs, photo by Peter Heeling (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons All other images © Damaris Trust 2012
Game credits This game was original game devised by Oxfam, and was further developed by the Global Student Forum in partnership with Oxfam and Christian Aid
Terms of use Copyright © Oxfam GB You can use the resources provided for educational purposes. Please ensure that the way you use the material is consistent with all contextual information provided and credit any images used with the named author and Oxfam. All information associated with these images relates to the time and date that project work took place.