A FEW FACTS ABOUT HUNGER 925 million people are undernourished – that’s more the populations of the USA, Canada and the European union combined. 98% of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries. Hunger is the worst in Asia and the Pacific with 578 million people, then Sub-Saharan Africa with 239 million people. 60% of hungry people are women. Every 5 seconds, a child dies from hunger or hunger- related diseases.
A LITTLE BIT ABOUT STOP HUNGER NOW Stop hunger now is a non-profit program that focuses on ending hunger and starvation permanently around the globe So far they’ve provided more than $100 million USD to more than 70 countries in need In this week alone, there have been over 158,000 meals packaged, and over 56 million meals packaged in total Each meal costs 25 cents, and consists of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavouring mix which contains 21 essential vitamins and minerals Stop Hunger Now had a 4-star Charity Navigator rating. There are currently ten meal-packaging locations – nine in the USA and one in South Africa.
MISSION STATEMENT Mission Statement: “To end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life- saving aid to the world's most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.”
SOURCES AskedQuestions.pdf?docID=1761http:// AskedQuestions.pdf?docID= e=what_missionhttp:// e=what_mission acts_about_hunger_and_poverty?gclid=CKGVw- zyga0CFYpY7AodrCezUAhttp:// acts_about_hunger_and_poverty?gclid=CKGVw- zyga0CFYpY7AodrCezUA